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PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension

Practice Problem/Issue and PICOT Question

Hypertension adds to the passing of many individuals all through the world, yet there is as yet poor administration of the condition. Setting up compelling control measures could essentially control the quantity of passings around the world. To control and administration hypertension successfully, it is imperative to recognize and deal with the way of life hazard factors related with the condition as that brings down circulatory strain. What’s more, it is crucial to perform standard screening, discussing adequately with patients, checking patients all the time, and holding fast to treatment. Specifically, it is conceivable to avert and control the condition viably through way of life changes (slim down and frequently captivating in work out) as these serves to altogether direct pulse (Dua et al,2014). Evidenced based solution for patients with hypertension is to lower DBP and SBP below levels in which medication will be started. There should be an alternative drug from a different class to take care of a patient.


PICOT Question

For male grown-ups between the ages of 40 and 70 with hypertension, and with various co-morbidities, will the adjustment in way of life (drawing in routinely in exercise and eating more beneficial and adjusted suppers), contrasted with patients who utilize prescription to treat/deal with their hypertension, help to control their pulse and diminish the danger of creating cardiovascular illnesses in their recuperation period inside a half year. The period will be sufficiently long to make a patient to be capable not to experience the ill effects of hypertension and to likewise lessen the dangers that the people will ordinarily go through(Howes,2013). PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension


The primary technique for intercession for a patient with hypertension it is with no uncertainty to put them under prescription, so they can get cured. That is the most secure path as it will influence the patient to have the capacity to deal with themselves as far as how they to think, what they eat and even the exercises that they attempt to participate in (Dua et al,2014). The age of the patients will likewise imply that the patients are given solution that can manage them in the most helpful ways and which they can acknowledge all in all. The medication that can be given for this situation is one that can decrease the cruelty of a medication. The nursing intervention for patients with hypertension is assessing the headache pains that a patient is experiencing and checking the blurred vision in every four hours until it goes away. Another nursing intervention is for a nurse to educate a patient on how they consult with their doctor before medication is stopped.


The fundamental contrasting option to contrast with the mediation will have with do with influencing the patient to get the opportunity to do a considerable measure of activities. That is one thing that will make the licenses to have the capacity to manage the issue of hypertension and since practices have been demonstrated that they work, it will then be simple for the patient to recuperate from the hypertension and what will imply that they will get cured from such an infirmity. Toward the end, all will have ended up being sure as the patient will have the capacity to get the coveted medication(Howes,2013). Patient care to those with hypertension is to first educate, measure the blood pressure and even give advice Education will entail modifying the behavior of a patient which is related to smoking, alcohol intake and how to manage stress.


In this exploration and managing a patient, it is with most likely that there are things that are being tended to and which are there to have the capacity to manage the way a patient gets the chance to react to pharmaceutical or even exercise. The cerebral pains that are regularly seen in patients with antagonistic hypertension combined with the measure of considerations are the conditions that are to be wiped out in the patients that have hypertension. The numerous unfavorable occasions in the patients will get diminished because of the patients having the capacity to be under pharmaceutical or notwithstanding sharing in practices that are useful for their wellbeing (Dua et al,2014). Healthcare agency for caring for patients with hypertension can be the likes of Intrepid USA Healthcare Services which gives Hypertension Management Program that helps patients get and have a maintained blood pressure that is healthy. Nursing practice for patients with hypertension will be the likes of minimizing the cost of therapy, including a patient in making of decision and even implementation of treatment plans step by step. PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension


Dua, S., Bhuker, M., Sharma, P., Dhall, M., & Kapoor, S. (2014). Body Mass Index Relates. to Blood Pressure Among Adults. North American Journal of Medical Sciences6(2), 89–95. PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension

Howes, F., Warnecke, E., &Nelson, M. (2013). Barriers to lifestyle risk factor assessment and management in hypertension: A qualitative study of Australian general practitioners. Journal of Human Hypertension27, 474-478 doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.9

PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension


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