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Writing a persuasive

Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is almost similar to an argumentative essay. As the writer, you take a stand where you either support or oppose an issue. Whether you are against or for, you must have arguments built on solid points to convince the reader to join you.

A persuasive essay tries to win over the targeted audience to accept the writer’s point of view. This essay requires extensive research to provide new and convincing information to the reader. By writing rich content, it brings out both sides of an issue. A persuasive paper demonstrates why your stand is correct and also why those opposing are incorrect.

A persuasive essay is not harsh like an argumentative essay; the points are put across more gently and kindly. You do not attack the alternative views. Your language is persuasive in an attempt to convince those opposing to believe in your point. So, what is a persuasive essay? This is a paper to persuade an audience to act or think in a specific way.

The Five-Step Writing Process for Persuasive Essays

If you know how to write a persuasive essay, you are aware of the five steps that must be followed. At, we use this approach to give you an excellent persuasion essay. The process including the following steps:

1.     Prewriting for the persuasive essay

The first step of writing a persuasive essay is the prewriting stage. It is essential and helps you plan and come up with points for every step of the essay. Here are things that you come up with in the prewriting phase:

  • Choose your position- When you read a persuasive essay example, you will see how other writers picked their side from the beginning. Do it in the prewriting stage.
  • Understand your audience– To come up with excellent points, identify the audience you will be addressing. This helps you plan what to write and ensure your readers can understand it. Sometimes, you will the readers are inclined or undecided, get to know your readers’ perspective.
  • Carry out research– Persuasive essay topics must be well researched to develop solid and convincing content in your paper. It should not be based on one source; get information from referencing materials and multiple websites. You can also talk to experts to know more about the topic. This will help you in writing a persuasive essay with rich knowledge on both sides.
  • Identify the strong points– in the prewriting stage; you must identify the most vital points. Start with them in the body paragraphs to hook and keep the reader engaged.

During the prewriting step, you should also create a persuasive paperoutline. A well-organized essay helps you write a powerfully persuasive essay. If your lecturer has asked for a specific essay structure, incorporate it in this outline. But typically, the essay should have six paragraphs.

Persuasive essay outline

Introductory paragraph

Start with the introductory paragraph. You should make sure:

  • A hook to grab your reader’s attention
  • Give the reader a quick overview of the essay
  • State your position on the topic through a thesis statement.

Body Paragraphs

  • Write every evidence point in a single paragraph
  • Include sufficient and credible support for your point

The opposing view paragraph

  • State and refute the main points of the opposing side

Conclusion Paragraph

Restate your thesis and evidence and reinforce it without introducing new points.

2.     Drafting the persuasive essay

Write persuasive essays require you to draft the paper according to the steps to writing a persuasive essay. The initial draft must have the following:

  • The introduction should have a hook that will grab the attention of readers. Make sure your paper begins with a statistic or unusual fact. You can also ask a question or quote an interesting statement.
  • The thesis statement should state your position clearly.
  • Include a point in each paragraph, and every sentence must give strong evidence. The evidence can be expert quotes, statistics, real-life examples, and facts.
  • Make your arguments in different ways. This includes the use of an analogy, illustration of a hypothetical situation, and use of comparison.
  • Avoid writing for an expert audience unless you are sure they have in-depth knowledge regarding your subject.
  • Summarize everything in the conclusion section, especially the evidence, and persuade the reader to adopt a specific position or take a particular action. The last sentence should make a plea or a prediction to imply how urgently your reader should accept your point of view.

3.     Revising The Persuasion Essay

After writing the persuasive essay, you should revise and modify the essay until it looks flawless to you. When revising the essay, keep the following points in how to write a convincing essay:

  • The essay should present your strong position on your topic. But it must be supported by relevant statistics, examples, quotes, and facts.
  • The essay must have a compelling hook to intrigue readers and keep them engaged.
  • Every paragraph should have compelling evidence on every point. Present the opposing view and refute it convincingly.
  • Make a good choice of words and use various sentence structures. The transitions between paragraphs should enable smooth reading and understanding.
  • The concluding paragraph should convey your position and urge your readers to consider an act.

The structure of a persuasive essay is easy, and up to this point, your essay should be well structured. If you feel it doesn’t sound right, change the thesis and come up with the strongest arguments. With a well-built argument, everything will fall into place.

4.     Editing the essay

Proofread the essay and correct all grammar errors. Also, make sure the proper format is used and improve the clarity. If not sure how to write a persuasive essay, you should look at check tips in a persuasive essay guide. You can also ask a friend to read the essay or seek our services at for proofreading and editing services.

5.     Publishing the Persuasion Essay

Once you are sure that your perfect is perfect, it’s time to publish it. By publishing it, you can help others learn how to write a persuasive essay step by step. Some may leave some feedback, and you can use their comments to become better.

AcademiaExp.Com Offers Writing Services

Key Benefits

The benefits of seeking persuasive essay writing services are many. If you are a parent whose student needs assistance on how to write a convincing essay, talk to us at We are a team of experts, and our writers will offer assistance and offer them guidance regardless of their level of education. We believe in following the persuasive essay steps when writing the following essays:

High school

High school essays may be quite a challenge. However, those students still need help to write the essay regardless of how simple it may look. At the high school level, they are yet to learn how to write persuasively, but with the guidance of a teacher, they can do it.


In college, students are likely to get confused about persuasive essays. They are used to writing standard tests and therefore need help in including elements of persuasive essays correctly. At we will give you professional help as you prepare to move to the next level.


At, we specialize in writing essays for all students, including universities. We offer persuasive essay help and enable you to complete any assignment regardless of the topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a persuasive essay?

Writing a supportive essay requires you to know what makes a good persuasive essay. Here are some tips that you should follow:

  • Choose a topic
  • Understand your audience
  • Have a hook in the introductory paragraph
  • Research good points for and against points
  • Be persuasive
  • Use rhetorical questions
  • Emphasize the points
  • Proofread your work
  • Seek second opinion

What is a persuasive essay and example?

A persuasive essay is an academic paper where the writer uses reasoning and logic to express their points legitimately. Expose clear arguments and provide support with convincing, logical reasons and facts.

What are the 3 parts of a persuasive essay?

Apart from knowing what is a persuasive paragraph, you should also know the three parts of the essay. They include:

  • Introduction paragraph
  • Body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

What is an example of a persuasive essay?

  • Persuasive essay samples include the following topics
  • What did President Obama excel in?
  • Benefits of online education
  • Importance of gender sports
  • Why the youth should be moral
  • Our extended school days beneficial to students?
  • Why you should consider shopping online

How do you start a persuasive essay introduction?

You follow these tips when writing a persuasive essay introduction:

  • Think and research about the topic
  • Get an excellent hook
  • Give a background of the topic
  • Create a thesis statement
  • The introduction be brief
  • Be persuasive throughout

A persuasive essay must be convincing gently. Support every point with logical reasons and credible facts. The writer is expected to let the readers know why their point of view is the way to go. If you need assistance on how to begin a persuasive essay, do not hesitate to talk to us at We are experts in writing a persuasive report or essay.

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