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NUR 540 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

NUR 540 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

In this milestone, you will review the subject of your unfolding case study and begin to evaluate Ms. Larsen. You will submit the Introduction and Assessment portions of the final project. This milestone is designed for you to begin to demonstrate the application of pathophysiology to case analysis.

NUR 540 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric- Case Study Part I

Millie Larsen is an 84-year-old African American female who is both a widower and grandmother. She is moderately obese (BMI of 32), and she has continued to smoke one pack of cigarettes a day for the past 40 years. She awakens one morning with weakness on her left side. She is having difficulty with word choice, and her speech seems to be slurred. When she attempts to walk to the bathroom, she stumbles a few times and falls once. Her daughter Dina, who lives next door and is visiting for breakfast, suspects that she has suffered a stroke and calls 911. Emergency personnel arrive within minutes of her call and transport Ms. Larsen to the emergency room (ER) of the nearest hospital.

The EMT team calls ahead to the ER, informing the department of a potential cerebral vascular accident (CVA) victim. Upon arrival, Ms. Larsen continues to deteriorate by becoming more disoriented and increasingly agitated with the staff and her daughter. She continues to have slurred speech and difficulty finding words. The physician orders a non-contrast head CT. It has now been 90 minutes since the onset of the symptoms. The triage nurse has managed to obtain the following medical information from Dina about Ms. Larsen:

                              Past Medical History                                              Home Medications

  • Hypertension              Indomethacin (Indocin) 25 mg three times a day
  • Hypercholesterolemia             Aspirin 81 mg daily
  • Smokes one pack per day x 40 years (40 pack years)              Lisinopril (Prinivil) 20 mg daily
  • Osteoporosis           Simvastatin (Zocor) 40 mg daily
  • Type II diabetes mellitus           Metformin (Glucophage) 500 mg twice a day

Other pertinent information that was revealed during the interview with Dina is that Ms. Larsen lives in her own home in a small rural community. Ms. Larsen is a recent widower who lost her husband of 55 years to cancer about three months ago. Ms. Larsen lives alone in their small home with a pet cat named Snuggles. Dina is Ms. Larsen’s only support system and is concerned that her mother is not always diligent at following the healthcare provider’s recommendations in controlling her longstanding Stage II hypertension and diabetes. In addition, Dina has attempted to encourage her to stop smoking on several occasions.

Current Vital Signs: BP: 168/88, Pulse: L arm, 110 irregular, RR 20; Temp 37.9°C oral; Random blood glucose: 89; Pain level: 2 out 5 using the numerical rating scale. Heinrich II Fall Risk Score = 8.

Approximately 60 minutes since Ms. Larsen arrives at the ER, she has settled back in the holding area awaiting a bed in the step-down area of the hospital. The nurse calls Dina back to visit with her mother. Dina finds her mother lying in bed with the head of the bed elevated, a nasal cannula in place, and an IV infusing into her right arm, and she is connected to telemetry. The nurse informs Dina that the results of the head CT point to “no bleed” and was interpreted by the neurologist on the stroke team, who will be in shortly to discuss the plan of care for Ms. Larsen. In a few minutes, the stroke team meets with Dina, and the neurologist discusses the plan to begin ischemic stroke protocol. In addition, Ms. Larsen will be admitted to the hospital as soon as a bed becomes available. Dina is confused and concerned. She has many questions as the team begins the next phase of treatment for Ms. Larsen.

Imagine you are a graduate nurse working in the emergency room and helping to prepare Ms. Larsen’s admission to the hospital. You will evaluate some of the key elements of Ms. Larsen’s history and background that may have led to her current medical condition.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

        I.    Introduction

  1. Discuss the role of ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status as each relates to the development of chronic disease for this case, including how these factors may increase the risk of an individual developing chronic disease.
  2. Based on your patient’s case, demonstrate how cellular changes can affect the cardiovascular system and other systems of the human body. Explain how early interventions may affect the processes of reversible and irreversible cellular injury to the vascular region.

II. Assessment

  1. Prioritize key elements of the patient’s health history that are important for designing a plan of care. Provide rationales that support the prioritization of the elements.
  2. Based on your understanding of physiology, determine the elements of the physical exam that would be used to collect assessment data for a focused exam related to the patient’s loss of blood supply to her vascular region.
  3. Explain the expected physical assessment findings of the patient’s focused exam and how it might compare to someone with normal physiology.


Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 1–2 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be cited according to APA style.

Critical ElementsProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Value

Introduction: Ethnicity,

Culture, and

Socioeconomic Status

Discusses how ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status influence the development of chronic disease, including how these factors may increase the risk of an individual developing chronic diseaseDiscusses how ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status influence the development of chronic disease, including how these factors may increase the risk of an individual developing chronic disease, but discussion is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuraciesDoes not discuss how ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status influence the development of chronic disease15
Introduction: Cellular Changes Demonstrates how cellular changes can affect the cardiovascular system and other systems of the human bodyDemonstrates how cellular changes can affect the cardiovascular system and other systems of the human body, but discussion is cursory or illogical or is not specific to the patient’s caseDoes not demonstrate how cellular changes can affect the cardiovascular system and other systems of the human body15
Critical ElementsProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Value
Introduction: Early Interventions Explains how early interventions may affect the processes of reversible and irreversible cellular injury to the vascular regionExplains how early interventions may affect the processes of reversible and irreversible cellular injury to the vascular region, but explanation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuraciesDoes not explain how early interventions may affect the processes of reversible and irreversible cellular injury to the vascular region15
Assessment: Key Elements Prioritizes key elements of the patient’s health history that are important for designing a plan of care, including rationales that support the prioritization of the elementsPrioritizes key elements of the patient’s health history that are important for designing a plan of care, but elements are not prioritized appropriately or do not have rationales that support the prioritizationDoes not prioritize key elements of the patient’s health history that are important for designing a plan of care15
Assessment: Elements of the Physical Exam Determines the elements of the physical exam that would be used to collect assessment data for a focused exam related to the patient’s loss of blood supply to her vascular regionIdentifies elements of the physical exam that would be used to collect assessment data but does not determine all elements for a focused exam related to the patient’s loss of blood supply to her vascular regionDoes not identify any elements of the physical exam that would be used to collect assessment data15
Assessment: Physical Assessment Explains the expected physical assessment findings of the patient’s focused exam and how it might compare to someone with normal physiologyExplains the expected physical assessment findings of the patient’s focused exam and how it might compare to someone with normal physiology, but explanation is cursory or illogical or contains inaccuraciesDoes not explain the expected physical assessment findings of the patient’s focused exam or how it might compare to someone with normal physiology15
Articulation of ResponseSubmission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideasSubmission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas10

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