Nursing Assignment Service

NR 603 Week 3 Ihuman

NR 603 Week 3 ihuman

i-Human Virtual Patient Encounter – Pulmonary Assessment



The i-Human assignments provide students with an opportunity to experience clinical scenarios that are relevant to the lesson content through virtual patient encounters. i-Human is a highly interactive and dynamic way to enhance student learning.  

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:     

  • CO 1: Interpret subjective and objective data to develop appropriate diagnoses and evidence based management plans for patients and families with complex or multiple diagnoses across the lifespan. (PO 5) 
    CO 2: Utilize healthcare delivery system resources in a fiscally responsible manner in the diagnosis and treatment of patients and families across the lifespan. (PO 5) 
    CO 3: Involve the patient and family in the formulation of management plans that align with their goals and perspectives of health and wellness. (PO 5) 
    CO 4: Develop management plans based on current scientific evidence and national guidelines. (PO 5) 
    CO 6: Prioritize treatment based on relevant clinical presentation. (PO 5)

Due Date

Students must complete the assigned i-Human Virtual Patient Encounter and submit the required documentation by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.  

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late. After that point, a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

Our expert nursing writers at can do your NR 603 Week 3 ihuman, place your order here. 

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.  

General Instructions

Access i-Human through the Week 3 Case Link. Click the blue bar to launch the activity in a new browser window. The case does not need to be completed in one sitting; it can be re-entered at the same case location at a later time.

All graded documentation, including the management plan, must be completed within the i-Human platform. Follow the i-Human Documentation GuideLinks to an external site. to complete your client’s electronic health record (EHR) and management plan. Use current APA Style Standards to format citations and references in the management plan and reflection. Use to an external site. and APA Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for formatting and grammar assistance.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):

Complete the following components in the i-Human Virtual Patient Encounter for the required case addressing the pulmonary system.

  1. Focused Health History: Complete a focused health history. Scores are automatically calculated within the i-Human platform when the health history is submitted. 
  2. Focused Physical Exam: Complete a focused physical exam. Scores are automatically calculated within the i-Human platform when the health history is submitted. 
  3. EHR Documentation-Subjective Data: Document the history of the present illness (HPI) and focused review of systems (ROS). Documentation must be:
    1. accurate
    2. detailed
    3. written using professional terminology
    4. pertinent to the chief complaint
    5. includes subjective findings only
  4. EHR Documentation-Objective Data: Document physical exam findings. Documentation must be:
    1. accurate
    2. detailed
    3. written using professional terminology
    4. pertinent to the chief complaint
    5. include objective findings only
  5. Problem Statement: Document a brief, accurate problem statement using professional language. Include the following components:
    1. name or initials, age
    2. chief complaint
    3. positive and negative subjective findings
    4. positive and negative objective findings
  6. Differential diagnosis (DDx): Select the most appropriate differential diagnoses for the encounter.  Your score will automatically calculate after the focused physical exam is submitted. 
  7. Differential diagnosis ranking: Rank the differential as lead and alternate diagnoses
  8. Must Not Miss: Identify the must not miss (MNM) diagnoses
  9. Diagnostic tests: Select the appropriate diagnostic tests for the virtual patient. Once selected, review the results provided. 
  10. Management Plan: Use the expert diagnosis provided to create a pertinent comprehensive evidence-based management plan. If a specific component of the management plan is not warranted (i.e., no referrals are appropriate for the virtual patient) document that no intervention is warranted. Include the following components: 
    1. diagnostic tests
    2. medications: write a specific prescription for each medication, including over-the-counter medications 
    3. suggested consults/referrals
    4. client education
    5. follow-up, including time interval and specific symptomatology to prompt a sooner return
    6. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectationsLinks to an external site.
  11. Click ”Submit” once the case is complete. Take a screenshot of the i-Human Virtual Patient Encounter report. 
  12. Reflection: Address the following questions:  
    1. Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test from a website such as MD saveLinks to an external site. calculate the total cost for diagnostic testing for this client if he was uninsured. How might this information change your decision to order diagnostic tests for the client? 
      1. Data indicate that clients with chronic lung disease and low income have increased utilization of acute care services (Melillo, 2021). What questions should the primary provider ask when providing education to clients with these diagnoses to ensure they have the resources they need to follow up with appropriate care?
    2. Include the following components: 
      1. write 150-300 words in a Microsoft Word document 
      2. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
      3. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations
      4. communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation 

Click “Submit” once the case is complete. Take a screenshot or snippet of your report to upload to the Dropbox.  Submit to the dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT along with your completed reflection WORD document to the Week 3 dropbox.

Our expert nursing writers at can do your NR 603 Week 3 ihuman, place your order here. 


NR603 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Rubric W3
NR603 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Rubric W3
Criteria Ratings Pts

Focused Health History

Complete a focused health history (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform)

6 pts

Achieve a score of 90-100%.

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieve a score of 80-89%.

5 pts

Achieve a score of 70-79%.

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieve a score of 50-69%.

0 pts

Achieve a score of 0-49%.
6 pts

Focused Physical Exam

Complete a focused physical exam (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform

6 pts

Achieve a score of 90-100%.

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieve a score of 80-89%.

5 pts

Achieve a score of 70-79%.

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieve a score of 50-69%.

0 pts

Achieve a score of 0-49%.
6 pts

EHR Documentation – Subjective Data

5 Required Criteria

Document the history of present illness (HPI) and focused review of systems (ROS). Documentation must be:

1. accurate
2. detailed
3. written using professional terminology
4. pertinent to the chief complaint
5. include subjective findings only

11 pts

All requirements met.

10 pts

Very Good
4 requirements met.

9 pts

3 requirements met.

5.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1-2 requirements met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
11 pts

EHR Documentation – Objective Data

5 Required Criteria

Document physical exam findings. Documentation must be:

1. accurate
2. detailed
3. written using professional terminology
4. pertinent to the chief complaint
5. include objective findings only

11 pts

All requirements met.

10 pts

Very Good
4 requirements met.

9 pts

3 requirements met.

5.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1-2 requirements met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
11 pts

Problem Statement

4 Required Criteria

Document a brief, accurate problem statement using professional language. Include the following components:

1. name or initials, age
2. chief complaint
3. positive and negative subjective findings
4. positive and negative objective findings

6 pts

All requirements met.

5.5 pts

Very Good
3 requirements met.

5 pts

2 requirements met.

3 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
6 pts

Differential Diagnosis

Select the most appropriate differentials for the encounter (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform)

6 pts

Achieves a score of 80-100% on the differential diagnosis section

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieves a score of 60-79% on the differential diagnosis section

5 pts

Achieves a score of 40-59% on the differential diagnosis section

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieves a score of 20-39% on the differential diagnosis section

0 pts

Achieves a score of 0-19% on the differential diagnosis section
6 pts

Differential Diagnosis Ranking

Rank differentials as lead and alternate diagnoses (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform)

6 pts

Achieves a score of 80-100% on the ranking of differential diagnosis

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieves a score of 60-79% on the ranking of differential diagnosis

5 pts

Achieves a score of 40-59% on the ranking of differential diagnosis

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieves a score of 20-39% on the ranking of differential diagnosis

0 pts

Achieves a score of 0-19% ranking of differential diagnosis
6 pts

Must Not Miss Diagnosis

Identify the must not miss (MNM) diagnoses (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform)

6 pts

Achieves a score of 80-100% on the Must Not Miss diagnoses

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieves a score of 60-79% on the Must Not Miss diagnoses

5 pts

Achieves a score of 40-59% on the Must Not Miss diagnoses

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieves a score of 20-39% on the Must Not Miss diagnoses

0 pts

Achieves a score of 0-19% on the Must Not Miss diagnoses
6 pts

Diagnostic Tests

Select the appropriate diagnostic tests (scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform)

6 pts

Achieves a score of 100% on the tests section

5.5 pts

Very Good
Achieves a score of 81-99% on the tests section

5 pts

Achieves a score of 55-80% on the tests section

3 pts

Needs Improvement
Achieves a score of 30-54% on the tests section

0 pts

Achieves a score of 0-29% on the tests section
6 pts

Management Plan

6 Required Criteria

Use the expert diagnosis provided to create a pertinent comprehensive evidence-based management plan. If a specific component of the management plan is not warranted (i.e., no referrals are appropriate for the virtual patient) document that no intervention is warranted. Include the following components:

1. diagnostic tests

2. medications: write a specific prescription for each medication, including over-the-counter medications

3. suggested consults/referrals

4. client education

5. follow-up, including time interval and specific symptomatology to prompt a sooner return

6. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations

20 pts

All requirements met.

18 pts

Very Good
5 requirements met.

16 pts

4 requirements met.

10 pts

Needs Improvement
1-3 requirements met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
20 pts


4 Required Criteria

Address the following questions:

Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test from a website such as MD save calculate the total cost for diagnostic testing for this client if he was uninsured. How might this information change your decision to order diagnostic tests for the client? 

Data indicate that clients with chronic lung disease and low income have increased utilization of acute care services (Melillo, 2021). What questions should the primary provider ask when providing education to clients with these diagnoses to ensure they have the resources they need to follow up with appropriate care?

Include the following components:

1. write 150-300 words in a Microsoft Word document

2. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario

3. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations

4. communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation

10 pts

All requirements met.

9 pts

Very Good
3 requirements met.

8 pts

Needs Improvement
2 requirements met.

5 pts

1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
10 pts


Use current APA format for citations and references in management plan and reflection and is free of errors.

6 pts

0-1 errors.

5.5 pts

Very Good
2-3 errors.

5 pts

4-5 errors.

3 pts

Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.

0 pts

More than 7 errors.
6 pts

Late penalty deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

0 pts

No Points Deducted
Assignment submitted on time. No points will be deducted.

0 pts

Points Deducted
A 10% penalty per day (up to three days) will be applied. If submitted more than three days late, the student will receive a zero for the whole assignment.
0 pts
Total Points: 100

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