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NR 603 Week 2 Assignment


NR 603 Week 2 Assignment

Mental Health Management Plan and Analysis



The purpose of the assignment is to provide an opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills to the care of a client with a mental health disorder in primary care and demonstrate the ability to analyze current scholarly literature and clinical practice guidelines to create a thorough, evidence-based management plan for clients with mental health disorders.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO 1: Interpret subjective and objective data to develop appropriate diagnoses and evidence-based management plans for patients and families with complex or multiple diagnoses across the lifespan. (PO 5) 
  • CO 3: Involve the patient and family in the formulation of management plans that align with their goals and perspectives of health and wellness. (PO 5) 
  • CO 4: Develop management plans based on current scientific evidence and national guidelines. (PO 5) 
  • CO 6: Prioritize treatment based on relevant clinical presentation. (PO 5)

Due Date

The Mental Health Management Plan and Analysis is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2.  

The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

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Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points.

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Include the Following Sections:

  1. Management Plan: Write a final management plan for the client you presented in the Week 2 Mental Health Case Study Discussion. Include the following components in the management plan:
    1. Primary diagnosis
    2. Recommended diagnostic testing based on clinical practice guidelines
    3. Medications
    4. Nonpharmacologic interventions
    5. Recommended follow-up schedule and referrals with rationale
  2. Analysis: Complete an analysis of the case and management plan:
    1. Pathophysiology: Write a summary of the underlying pathophysiology of the diagnosis.
    2. Pharmacology: Write a summary of how the pharmacological agent chosen acts to reverse or control disease pathology.
    3. Additional analysis: Describe how clinical practice guidelines were used to make a diagnosis and management plan. If the case is based on a client you have seen in practicum, discuss how the client’s care compared to the recommended treatment guidelines.
    4. Follow-up and referrals: Describe what actions should be taken at the time of follow-up. If applicable, describe the client’s symptoms and response to the plan of care at the follow-up visit.
    5. Quality: Discuss any information you learned in the weekly discussion that impacted your approach to the creation of the client’s management plan or would inform your care of a future client with a similar disorder.
    6. Coding and billing: Identify all appropriate ICD-10 codes for the client.
  3. Evidence-Based Resources
    1. Support the management plan and analysis with evidence from appropriate sources published within the last five years and the most recent clinical practice guidelines.
    2. Select articles and guidelines that represent a logical link to the management plan.
    3. Provide in-text citations and complete APA references for all selected scholarly resources.


NR603 W2 Mental Health Management Plan and Analysis Rubric
NR603 W2 Mental Health Management Plan and Analysis Rubric

Management Plan

5 Required Criteria

Write a final management plan for the client you presented in the Week 2 Mental Health Case Study Discussion. Include the following components in the management plan:

a. Primary diagnosis

b. Recommended diagnostic testing based on clinical practice guidelines

c. Medications

d. Nonpharmacologic interventions

e. Recommended follow-up schedule and referrals with rationale

20 pts

All requirements are met.

18 pts

Very Good
4 requirements are met.

16 pts

3 requirements are met.

10 pts

Needs Improvement
1-2 requirements are met

0 pts

No requirements are met.
20 pts


6 Required Criteria

Complete an analysis of the case and management plan:

a. Pathophysiology: Write a summary of the underlying pathophysiology of the diagnosis

b. Pharmacology: Write a summary of how the pharmacological agent chosen acts to reverse or control disease pathology

c. Additional analysis: Describe how clinical practice guidelines were used to make a diagnosis and management plan. If the case is based on a client you have seen in practicum, discuss how the client’s care compared to the recommended treatment guidelines.

d. Follow-up and referrals: Describe what actions should be taken at the time of follow-up. If applicable, describe the client’s symptoms and response to the plan of care at the follow-up visit.

e. Quality: Discuss any information you learned in the weekly discussion that impacted your approach to the creation of the client’s management plan or would inform your care of a future client.t with a similar disorder.

f. Coding and billing: Identify all appropriate ICD-10 codes for the client.

20 pts

All requirements are met.

18 pts

Very Good
5 requirements are met.

16 pts

3-4 requirements are met.

10 pts

Needs Improvement
1-2 requirements are met.

0 pts

No requirements are met.
20 pts

Evidence-Based Resources

3 Required Criteria

a. Support the management plan and analysis with evidence from appropriate sources published within the last five years and the most recent clinical practice guidelines.

b. Select articles and guidelines that represent a logical link to the management plan.

c. Provide in-text citations and complete APA references for all selected scholarly resources.

10 pts

All requirements are met.

8 pts

2 requirements are met.

5 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement is met.

0 pts

No requirements are met.
10 pts

Late Penalty Deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late, up to three days. Assignments will not be accepted after three days late, and a score of zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy

0 pts

0 days late
Assignment submitted on time. No points deducted.

0 pts

1 day late
-5 points

0 pts

2 days late
-10 points

0 pts

3 days late
-15 points

0 pts

More than 3 days late
No credit
0 pts
Total Points: 50

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