Nursing Assignment Service

The consensus model for APRN regulation includes the principles of licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE)

Purpose: Comment the Following Discussion

Thing to Remember:

  • Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.
  • 1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less
  • No errors with APA format 6 Edition


 To Comment

The consensus model for APRN regulation includes the principles of licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE). Licensure and scope of practice may be different from state to state and is the granting authority to practice.  Using the consensus model helps regulate the practice of advance practice nurses across the board while maintaining patient safety and expanding patient access to healthcare providers.  The new proposed regulatory model creates a uniform model for advanced practice nurses will increase access to patients and allow APRN’s to move easily from state to state (APRN Campaign for consensus: Moving toward Uniformity in State Laws, 2017). This regulatory model will be the way of the future.  Education includes graduate level education to include clinical experience.  Certification refers to graduates being eligible for national certification used for state licensure after completing graduate programs that are nationally accredited.  Accreditation is the formal review and approval by a recognized agency of educational degree or certification programs in nursing or nursing related programs (Consensus Model for APRN Regulation, 2008). Nebraska has 25 points equaling 89 percent completion of the proposed implementation of the new regulatory model. The discrepancy in Nebraska is that the certified nurse midwife is not yet independent and includes written collaboration and no independent prescribing.  Clinical nurse specialists in Nebraska do not have independent prescribing either (Major Components of the Consensus Model by State, 2017). According to The National Council State Board of Nursing, (2017), “If all states adopt the regulatory requirements for licensure, accreditation, certification, and education for APRNs, as outlined in the Consensus Model, the benefits will be far-reaching for health care professionals, regulators, and consumers” (p. 2).  This new model will improve parameters and patient safety by regulating consistently for public protection.


National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (2017). Campaign for Consensus: Moving toward Uniformity in State Laws. Retrieved from

National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (2017). Retrieved from Major Components of the Consensus Model by State. Retrieved from 

Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification & Education. (2008). APRN Joint Dialogue Group Report. Retrieved from

Purpose: Comment the Discussion (Class 501 Unit 8 Comment 2

Thing to Remember:

  • Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.
  • 1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less
  • No errors with APA format 6 Edition

 To Comment

The consensus model for APRN regulation includes the principles of licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE). Licensure and scope of practice may be different from state to state and is the granting authority to practice.  Using the consensus model helps regulate the practice of advance practice nurses across the board while maintaining patient safety and expanding patient access to healthcare providers.  The new proposed regulatory model creates a uniform model for advanced practice nurses will increase access to patients and allow APRN’s to move easily from state to state (APRN Campaign for consensus: Moving toward Uniformity in State Laws, 2017). This regulatory model will be the way of the future.  Education includes graduate level education to include clinical experience.  Certification refers to graduates being eligible for national certification used for state licensure after completing graduate programs that are nationally accredited.  Accreditation is the formal review and approval by a recognized agency of educational degree or certification programs in nursing or nursing related programs (Consensus Model for APRN Regulation, 2008). Nebraska has 25 points equaling 89 percent completion of the proposed implementation of the new regulatory model. The discrepancy in Nebraska is that the certified nurse midwife is not yet independent and includes written collaboration and no independent prescribing.  Clinical nurse specialists in Nebraska do not have independent prescribing either (Major Components of the Consensus Model by State, 2017). According to The National Council State Board of Nursing, (2017), “If all states adopt the regulatory requirements for licensure, accreditation, certification, and education for APRNs, as outlined in the Consensus Model, the benefits will be far-reaching for health care professionals, regulators, and consumers” (p. 2).  This new model will improve parameters and patient safety by regulating consistently for public protection.


National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (2017). Campaign for Consensus: Moving toward Uniformity in State Laws. Retrieved from

National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (2017). Retrieved from Major Components of the Consensus Model by State. Retrieved from 

Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification & Education. (2008). APRN Joint Dialogue Group Report. Retrieved from

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