Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
Respond to the following shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts with positive comments and references;
Effects of forecast water supplies on profits
The global decline in the amount of potable water available has the potential to reduce company profits in the near far term and put a halt to business in the far future. There are several changes the company can begin implementing to address this situation, each with impacts to the globe, the company, and the global populace. Option 1, which maximizes the good-will aspects of addressing the water shortage will have significantly adverse effects on long term profitability as the result is shuttering the company with tons of publicity in order to prolong the duration of the available potable water supply. Sure, this will look good, but it will likely get us sued by our shareholders, in reality do nothing to address the larger and long term issue, and leave all of our employees seeking new jobs. Option 2, will provide for long term employment, create thousands of jobs, save the planet, and make the company rich beyond belief due to goodwill purchases from other areas. We are going to nail the golden goose of sustainopreneurship , and deliver a solution that maximizes the long term sustainability of the entire planet. (Boundless Management, n.d.) We are going to capitalize on existing ideas by implementing them in a scale the world has not imagined. Colorado and California have already initiated projects in aquifer replenishment attempts utilizing varied methods. (Lipsher, 2007) This project will require obtaining shipping vessels or partnerships, land transport, and project vessels. We are going to harvest the break-away ice flows from the poles and reduce them to potable water and manageable chunks while underway. Our base of operation, suggested, is a decommissioned aircraft carrier due to the established long term infrastructure already on board. If we utilize collapsible water bladders and modify shipping containers to transport the full bladders we can get the water to any corner of the globe utilizing current shipping mainlines. Breaking down the ice flows before they melt into the ocean will delay the rise in ocean levels, maintain coastal population centers, and provide potable water to places that haven’t had sufficient supplies in years. We need to start building pipelines or develop methods to clean existing oil pipelines for water transport. We can couple the point delivery system with large scale movement via pipeline to aquifer refill points. Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
The only downside to this plan is if climate change is a hoax and the global drought and breaking of the ice caps are temporary conditions set to reverse within the next decade. I strongly recommend going with option 2.
Boundless Management (Boundless Management, n.d.). Sustainable Innovation. Retrieved from Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
Lipsher,S. (2007, September 30). Experts keen on refilling aquifers. Retrieved from
Interoffice Memorandum January 18, 20XX
SUBJECT: Global Water Shortage
In the last three years there has been an increase in the cost of water supply. Research shows there is a serious shortage of potable water supply globally. “By 2025, it is projected that two-thirds of the globe’s population will face water shortages” (Guarino, 2016). There are numerous reasons for the water scarcity, such as population increasing globally resulting in a greater need for potable water. The human population has more than doubled in the last 50 years and there has been a corresponding growth in industrialization and economic development (Guarino, 2016). In an article by Seametrics, there are 5 consequences to of a global water shortage: increased global conflict, lack of access to clean water, food shortages, energy shortages and economic slowdowns (Seametrics, 2015). It is difficult to have a thriving industry such as Biotech when potable water is not accessible. Many of Biotech’s products are water based and the increasing shortage will have a negative effect on future business. Some of the negative effects could be a decrease in production, higher water costs which will affect company profits, a constraint on future growth, and a possible effect on worker productivity. Below are three proposed solutions that can be presented to the Strategic Planning Team to address the global water shortage:
- Biotech can improve water stewardship resulting in high economic dividends by increasing storage infrastructure through water recycling and desalination plants (Guarino, 2016).
- Biotech can implement life cycle assessments. A life cycle assessment is an approach to evaluate environmental impacts for all the stages of a product’s life from-cradle-to-grave, from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling (Sarni, 2011).
- Research technologies that use less water for Biotech products.
It is imperative that Biotech implement a global water strategy sooner rather than later. Many investors will be concerned about the global water shortage and it is in the best interest of the business to be able to present them with viable solutions. There is competition to gain the competitive edge in the marketplace. With increased competition comes increased innovation. In order to maintain our competitive edge in the business realm, Biotech needs to become innovative about possible solutions to the impending global water shortage. Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
References: Guarino, A. (2016, December 8). The economic implications of global water scarcity. Retrieved from Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts
Sarni, W. (2011, July 15). 6 Ways Companies Can Address Their Water Scarcity Risks. Retrieved from
Seametrics. (2015, March 9). 5 Consequences of a Global Water Shortage. Retrieved from
Shortage of potable water supply essay discussion posts