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Physicians and Nurses Shortage in the US Essay

Physicians and Nurses Shortage in the US Essay

The healthcare industry is one of the largest employers in the U.S. and employs more than 3% of the U.S. workforce. There are approximately 200 health occupations and professions in a workforce of more than 14 million healthcare workers. By 2030, the percentage of the population that is 65 years and older will increase from the current 6% to 10% of the total population, which will place pressure on the healthcare system (National Center for Health Statistics, 2008). At the same time, the country is currently experiencing a national shortage of both physicians and nurses. Choose either physicians or nurses and address an element (based on current research) contributing to the shortage in a physicians and nurses shortage in the US essay. Next, what strategies can you suggest to rectify this employment issue?

Physicians and Nurses Shortage in the US Essay Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Points Earned




Below Average

Physicians and Nurses Shortage in the US Essay Thread – Key Components

14 to 15 points

All key   components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.

9 to 13 points

Some key   components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.

0 to 8 points

No key   components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.

physicians and nurses shortage in the US essay Thread – Major Points

9 to 10 points

Major points are   supported by all of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations (in   addition to the course textbook) in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.

7 to 8 points

Major points are   supported by some of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations (in   addition to the course textbook) in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.

0 to 6 points

Major points are   supported by none of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations, in   addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.

Thread – Spelling and Grammar

2.1 to 2.5 points

Proper spelling and   grammar are used.

2 to 2 points

There are 1–3   spelling and grammar errors.

0 to 1 points

There are more than   3 spelling and grammar errors.

Thread – Word Count

2.1 to 2.5 points

The thread is at   least 650 words.

2 to 2 points

The thread is   300–599 words.

0 to 1 points

The thread is   less than 300 words.


Levels of Achievement

Points Earned



Below Average

Replies – Major Points

9 to 10 points

Major points are   supported by all of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations (in   addition to the course textbook) in current APA format.

7 to 8 points

Major points are   supported by some of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations (in   addition to the course textbook) in current APA format.

0 to 6 points

Major points are   supported by none of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent examples (conceptual and/or personal);

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,   analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations (in addition   to the course textbook) in current APA format.

physicians and nurses shortage in the US essay Replies – Contribution

5 to 5 points

A contribution   is made to the discussion, with each reply expounding on the thread.

4 to 4 points

A marginal   contribution is made to the discussion, with each reply marginally expounding   on the thread.

0 to 3 points

No contribution is   made to the discussion.


physicians and nurses shortage in the US essay Replies – Spelling and Grammar

2.1 to 2.5 points

Proper spelling   and grammar are used.

2 to 2 points

There are 1–3   spelling and grammar errors.

0 to 1 points

There are more   than 3 spelling and grammar errors.

physicians and nurses shortage in the US essay Replies – Word Count

2.1 to 2.5 points

At least 2   replies of at least 450 words each are submitted.

2 to 2 points

Only 1 reply is submitted,   or 2 replies with insufficient word count are submitted.

0 to 1 points

No replies are submitted   as required.



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