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NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

Key Concepts Worksheet

Key Concepts Worksheet

Guidelines& Grading Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to identify key concepts in epidemiology that will assist the student in understanding the purpose of epidemiology as it relates to clinical practice, surveillance and prevention of disease, and healthcare research.You will work on building a foundation of definitions and an understanding of how they apply to monitoring disease in populations. NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

Course Outcomes

Through this NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Define key terms in epidemiology, community health, and population-based research.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 1

Total Points Possible:50


1. Complete the Epidemiological Key Concepts Worksheet.

2. For each question identify the correct answer and cite the source used to answer the questions

3. Submit the worksheet to the DropBox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1

Course Information Worksheet

Prior to completing this worksheet, review the Week 1 lecture and reading assignments (Chapters 1-4 of your course text). Provide a complete answer to each question. Each question is worth 5 points. Please cite the source of each answer below the answer as in the example provided below.


Question: Modes of indirect common vehicle disease transmission include single exposure,multiple exposures, and continuous exposure.


Gordis, L. (2014). Epidemiology (5thed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. Chapter 2, p. 20.

1. Define Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary prevention.

2. True or False: Prevention and treatment of a single specific disease are exclusive activities that do not occur together when providing care to a patient. NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

3. The ________________ Concept is important because in counting incidence and prevalence of disease it is not sufficient to count only clinically apparent cases, but those who are asymptomatic or exposed without infection.

4. Please define the following:

Clinical Disease –

Preclinical Disease –

Subclinical Disease –

Persistent (Chronic) Disease –

Latent Disease –

5. Match the following terms with their definition:

____ Pandemic A. Habitual presence of a disease within a geographic area.

____ Endemic B. Occurrence of a disease in a community/geographic area in

excess of normal expectancy.

____ Common-Vehicle Exposure C. Resistance of a group of people to a disease because a large

portion of the population is immune.

____ Epidemic D. An excessive occurrence of disease present globally.

____ Herd Immunity E. When a group of people are exposed to a substance or organism that causes common illness.

6. What is the one medical advance that is associated with the Black Death in Europe in the late 1300’s?

7. This is a two part question:

A. Define, through a fractional representation, what attack rate is.

B. After a large wedding reception several people develop symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. It appeared to be tied to eating a specific seafood salad sered. Using the following 2 by 2 table, numerically represent the attack rate for wedding attendies who ate the seafood salad

Ate Seafood Salad Did not eat Seafood Salad

Gastroenteritis symptoms 72 15

No gastroenteritis symptoms 24 135

8. Define the following: active surveillance, passive surveillance, incidence rate,and prevalence rate.

9. There are two parts to this question: NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

A. What are two reasons that the prevalence rate of a disease I a community could decrease?

B. What are age-adjusted death rates used for?

10. Name and define at least two measures of mortality as fractional representations.

NR503 Collaborative Healthcare Essay Papers

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