Nursing Assignment Service

Goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable

Goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable

Goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable


Please spend some t ime learning about the Affordable Care Act. One site that may be very useful is: .gif”>One of the stated goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable for many Americans. Choose a specific provision of the Affordable Care Act (and make sure to be clear about the provision you’ve chosen – for example, don’t simply say “birth control” because I won’t know what you mean by that) and provide an analysis of how it will help to make preventive care more accessible and affordable for Americans, and what might be the role(s) of the professional nurse (Registered Nurses and/or Advanced Practice Nurses) i n implementing this provision. Please keep in mind that this is NOT an opinion paper (it’s not about whether you agree or disagree with the A CA). It’s an analysis paper, in which you’ll learn more about and analyze a specific provision of the ACA. Your paper should be w ritten in APA format and include: ? A cover page ? Abstract ? Main body that is 3-4 pages long and includes an introduction with a clear purpose statement and use of headings to help guide the flow of the paper, as well as a summary and conclusion ? A References page ? Your paper should include at least 3 scholarly references from peer-reviewed journals and/or legitimate professional and/or governmental websites ( At least one of your references must be from a peer-reviewed journal. All references should have been published within the past 5 years. Be sure to follow APA guidelines regarding in-text citations of the references you use to support your arguments. Please review the R ubric I will be using to grade this paper in order to assure that you understand the criteria for receiving the maximum number of points available on this Goals of the Affordable Care Act is to make preventive care more accessible and affordable assignment.

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