Nursing Assignment Service

Essay – Advocacy Through Health Care Policy – NURS 4105

Essay – Advocacy Through Health Care Policy – NURS 4105

Essay – Advocacy Through Health Care Policy – NURS 4105

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper utilizing the selected policy from Week 1, (week 1 health policy was death pronouncement by nurses) analyzing the impact of financing and budgetary issues.

In addition to this week’s resources, perform an informal literature search on the funding of your policy. Include at least two articles that discuss cost-effectiveness and cost controls pertaining to either your policy or nursing practices in general. Use these resources to respond to the following prompts:


· Describe how the policy is funded and annual costs of continuing the policy for the last year.

· Analyze any financial and budgetary efforts developed or being proposed to contain costs.

· Relate current cost-containment strategies, including regulations, managed care efforts, or other financial and budgetary initiatives. Essay – Advocacy Through Health Care Policy – NURS 4105

· Describe how the financing of your policy impacts health outcomes and the role of the nurse in the workplace.

· Support your responses with evidence.

Support your ideas or those of others with references from the professional nursing literature. Refer to the Application Assignment Rubric prior to submission. Additional information about acceptable resources is found in the rubric.

Essay – Advocacy Through Health Care Policy – NURS 4105

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