How to write an article review- Guide with Easy Examples
When writing an article review, a scholar is expected to analyze and evaluate other experts’ professional work in a particular field. It is also written away from the academic system where writers review their peers’ work for originality, clarity and contribution to a given discipline.
In most cases, an article review is assigned when you lecturer wants to see your deep analysis and extensive evaluation skills. The paper must be written in a constructive way and in review of research provided in the original text. Every point requires support from other research sources to make the review effective.
How to write an article- Tips and explanation
What is an article review?
An article review is an academic paper that demands in-depth analysis and arguments presented in the correct structure. Most students wonder “what is a review article?” you cannot complete your assignment successfully. This critical but constructive literature evaluation in a specific field is done through analysis, comparison, classification and summarization. If it is a scientific review, support your content with databases searches from credible sources. The primary goal of writing a review paper is to summarize the content and present it easily to your targeted audience to understand and relate it to your academic topic.

How to Write an Article Review- Tips and Explanation
When looking forward to learning how to write an article review, you should consider a few things. They ensure your academic paper follows the guideline and research as required by your lecturer. Read on to know how to write a review paper:
Create the title
The title of your article review paper should reflect the primary focus of your review. It can be declarative, descriptive or interrogative. Choose what suits your work perfectly.
Proper citation is vital when reviewing an article. This should be the second thing after coming up with a title because it determines how the whole article turns out. You check an article review template to help you input citations according to the given format. Most common assignments are MLA and APA format article review. For example, if your lecturer has requested for MLA style, it should look like this:
Start with the author’s last name followed by the first, then the title of the research article review, publication date, and page/s and finally print.
Holmes Edith. “Living My Life.” New York Monthly 40.2(2001): 24-25. Print
Article Identification
After the citation, the next step is the identification of the reviewed article. You should include the:
- Article title
- Author
- Publication year
- Journal title
Be sure to state all this information within the first paragraph of the review article. If you check any sample article review, you will see how article identification is done according to the preferred format.
The introduction part is essential, and this is where you start the organization of your assignment. If you are unsure how to organize it, get an example of an article review and use it as a template. It will help you write down your points and ensure they flow smoothly. What can you include in the introduction of your article review?
- The introduction part of the review article should introduce the topic briefly and the thesis.
- Write a summary of the primary points in the original article you intend to review.
- Highlight several positive aspects along with facts in the text.
- Critique the article by pointing out disparities, unanswered questions, contradictions and gaps in the text
Summarize the Text
Create a summary based on the text as written by the author. Point out findings and relevant findings within the article. Do not leave out the author’s conclusion in your summary.
Critique It
Every publication has its weaknesses and strengths. When writing an article review paper, present how the author has added value to the field. Go ahead and state the contradictions and gaps in the text. Make sure every point is presented in a clear way for the reader to understand your review. As you critique the article, take your standpoint; you can choose to or not support the author’s assertions. You must also back up your arguments with credible and relevant theories and facts. You can also grade and evaluate the text’s author using tem[plates and rubrics.
Write a conclusion
In the conclusion section, revisit your main critical points in the review article. They should include your critique and findings within the text. Also, highlight the validity, relevance and accuracy of the article review. Give the reader a way forward regarding future research in the area of study. Check samples on how to review a journal article and come up with a solid conclusion.
Before you decide that the article is complete and ready for submission, consider these points.
- Make sure that as you read your work, you can easily identify the main points. This ensures the key arguments and evidence can be pinpointed quickly.
- When writing a review journal article, state your evidence sources to make your point credible. You should do it using direct quotations.
- Make use of the best quotes and evidence through direct quotations. This requires you to take time to understand and analyze the text adequately.
- When referencing a publication or quoting directly, you should make use of a parenthetical citation. This ensures that your article review is not plagiarized.
- Read your complete review article 24 hours later to spot flaws and grammatical errors you may have committed when writing. A fresh mind will also notice poor cohesion or points that do not make much sense.
- Use editing tools to check spelling and grammar. You can also ask someone to read the article and give you their opinion.
Article Review Format and How to Apply It Correctly
If not sure about how to use a certain format, use an article review template. But it should be in the following format:
- The title page
- Article title
- Student’s name
- Date
- Abstract, and should be about 300 words. It consists of a review question summary; the main study reviewed, along with the study conclusions. But you are not required to make any citations in this section.
- The introduction follows after the abstract. It should include the study’s topic and some background information to help the reader understand the article.
- The body consists of subtopics that enable you to discuss the main points.
- Whether you are required to use APA or MLA, use the correct citation and referencing styles.
APA Style Article Review
APA is a common format in most academic papers. This format article review format requires you to write the bibliographical entries of the sources you choose to use. The articles appear in academic journals, websites and newspapers, and bibliography is each appears differently:
- Web: Last name of the author, followed by initials of the first and second name. Year and month of the publication date. Followed by the title just the way it is in the original text.
- Journal: Last name of the author, followed by first and second names initials. Year of publication. Title of the publication. Periodical Title. , Volume, pp.-pp.
- Newspapers: Last name of the author, followed by first and second names initials. Date, Year, Month of publication. Title of the text. Name of the magazine, pp. xx-xx.
MLA Format Style
- Web: Start with the Last name, followed by first and second name initials. “Title of Publication.” Website Title. Publisher of the website. Year of publication. Web. Month accessed.
- Newspaper: Last, first name initial. Title of the Publication. Title of the Newspaper (city) Date and month of publication. Pages(s). Print.
- Journal: Last, first name initial. Title of publication. Journal title. Year of publication. Pages. Name of database. Web. Month and Date of access.

Benefits of Looking Through Article Review Examples
Going through an article review sample helps you see what experts in your field have written and also learn how to write a review of an article. They allow you understand how to write an article review through the following:
- You get to know the recent and significant discoveries or advances in your field.
- You get to know about any gaps in the research and enable you to come up with solutions.
- You access information used in current debates as references.
- Help you generate ideas about your research field.
- It helps you become an expert in your area of study.
What are the steps on how to write a paper review?
- Come with the title that reflects the primary focus in your article review.
- Cite the article according to your specific format
- Article identification
- Write the introduction
- Summarize the text
- Critique the text
- Write a conclusion
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an article review in research?
An article review is also known as a literature review. It is a survey of published research text on a specific topic. This type of academic article identifies potential research points, explores them extensively, and draws a new conclusion based on existing data.
What is the aim of an article review?
An article review seeks to establish familiarity and understanding of research within a field before doing new research. It enables you to review research that is already done while also allowing you to identify the unknown within the topic.
What are the elements of an article review?
An article review must have an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. But you can divide it into subtopics or other sections. Check a review article example to learn more.
How long is a review article?
Review articles can be written in various lengths. They can be as short as long as over 10 000 words. But most of them range from 100 words to 8000 words.
Article review assignments may not be the easiest, but you can use an article review format sample to get an idea of how to write it. You will find many examples online matching your level of education. Besides you can ask for course writing service or place an order of article review.