Case studies provide the opportunity to simulate realistic scenarios involving patients presenting with various health problems or symptoms. Such case studies enable nurse learners to apply concepts, lessons, and critical thinking to interviewing, screening, diagnostic approaches, as well as to the development of treatment plans.
For this Case Study Discussion, you will propose a case study to your instructor that demonstrates a gynecological disease process from your practicum experience or your professional practice that would be quite challenging for you as a clinician. Once your instructor approves your case study, you will then explore this case study to determine the diagnosis, diagnostic tests, and treatment options for the patient.
Email your instructor with your proposed case study for approval. Once approved, you may move on to your Day 3 Discussion post.
Based on your approved case study, post the following:
Use your Learning Resources and/or evidence from the literature to support your thinking and perspectives.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.
By Day 6
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts on two different days and explain how you might think differently about the types of tests or treatment options your colleagues suggested and why. Use your learning resources and/or evidence from the literature to support your position.
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Patient Information:
Initials: S.K.
Age: 37 years old
Sex: Female
Race: Caucasian
CC (chief complaint): right-sided abdominal pain
HPI: the patient was a 37 year old Caucasian female who presented with complaints of right-sided abdominal pain for one week. She describes the pain as dull with an intensity of 6/10. She reports that the pain’s intensity increased today morning as she was working out when she felt a sudden sharp right-sided pain.
It is aggravated with physical activity and mildly relieved with a heat pad. The pain is non-radiating and is associated with abdominal bloating, loss of appetite ad increased urinary frequency. She denies past episodes of abdominal pain. She denies diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and fevers. She informs that in the past two months, her pant size had gone up.
Onset: sudden
Location: right-sided
Duration: one week ago
Characteristics: dull and sharp
Aggravating factors: aerobics
Relieving factors: heat pad
Timing: continuous
Severity: 6/10
Current Medications: multivitamin and ibuprofen when she has a headache
Allergies: No known drug, food or environmental allergies
PMHx: Up-to-date with all immunizations, she gets migraines
Soc & Substance Hx: S.K. is a 37 year old Caucasian female who works full-time as a tour guide. She is in a monogamous marriage. Her husband is an airline pilot. She consumes a glass of wine every evening with dinner. She denies illicit/recreational drug use and tobacco smoking.
Fam Hx: her mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer at 50 years. Her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at 38 years. Her maternal grandmother had ovarian cancer. Her father and elder brother are however alive and healthy with no underlying chronic/familial illnesses.
Mental Hx: she denies past or current history of depression or anxiety, homicidal and suicidal ideation or self-harm practices.
OB/GYN History: LMP 06/24/2021, G0P0
Menstrual History:
Cervical and Vaginal cytology and Immunization:
Sexual History:
General: the patient is a 37-year-old Caucasian female who appeared in office independently. She reports a history of travel from Paris one month ago. She reports an increase in abdominal girth. She denies fevers, fatigue, chills, fever, weight loss, and night sweats.
Respiratory: the patient denies DIB (difficulty breathing), wheezing, shortness of breath (SOB), and cough,
Gastrointestinal: the patient reports loss of appetite and right-sided abdominal pain. She denies vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal trauma, and changes in bowel movements.
Genitourinary: the patient reports increased urinary frequency, denies dysuria, hematuria, hesitancy, or burning on urination.
Physical exam:
General: the patient is AOx4, NAD
VS: 97.8 °F, BP- 125/69 HR-68 (apical), RR-17, O2 sat-99% RA, Height- 5’8”
General Appearance: S.K. is AOx4. She appears to be generally healthy; she is appropriately dressed for the weather and is well kempt. Her vital signs are within normal limits.
HEENT: Eyes: No exudate, crusting, or redness, lesions of eyelashes or eyelids. No conjunctival pallor, PERRLA, no enophthalmos, or exophthalmos.
Respiratory: resonant on percussion, lungs are bilaterally clear, rhythmic breathing, no use of accessory muscles to breathe, no wheezing, crackles, rhonchi, or rales.
Cardiovascular: S1 and S2 heard, no rubs, murmurs, or gallops. No pedal or facial edema.
Abdominal/GIT: No abdominal scars on inspection, abdomen moves symmetrically with respiration, bowel sounds are active and present in all abdominal quadrants, tympanitic on percussion, tender in the right lower quadrant on palpation.
Vulva/Labia Majora: moist and intact skin, no erythema
Bartholin Gland: soft, no enlargement area pink and moist
Skene’s: moist and pink
Clitoris: pink with intact
Diagnostic results:
Doubeni, C. A., Doubeni, A. R., & Myers, A. E. (2016). Diagnosis and management of ovarian cancer. American family physician, 93(11), 937-944.
Hendriks, E., Rosenberg, R., & Prine, L. (2020). Ectopic pregnancy: diagnosis and management. American family physician, 101(10), 599-606.
Zahidy, A., & Abdulkareem, Z. (2018). Causes and management of ovarian cysts. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 70(10), 1818-1822.
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