HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment
HSM 330 Course Project Outline Week 3
Electronic Health Records Assignment Paper: Course Project Outline is due this week.
• Submit a 1 to 2 page outline with the researched references you will be using to write the Course Project.
Purpose: To define what an electronic health record is and specify an actual solutions package that best represents an effective and efficient electronic health record, including its key features and software functions….. HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment
HSM 330 Application Paper Week 5
Topic: Research electronic health record functionality standards or certification. Write a paper describing how you would incorporate your findings into the EHR selection and decision-making process. Sources include the HL7 EHR Functional Model, ONC certification criteria and other organizations offering EHR certification.
…There are also some hospitals that use electronic health records, but because of using different standards in record keeping, the same problems occur. At the same time, there are hospital units that do not readily share patient information as they consider these data as proprietary information, thus, there is no need for them to share their patient data. But considering the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the government has…
Electronic Health Records Assignment Paper
HSM 330 Application Paper Week 6
Topic: Research the HIMSS Davies Award winners. Review the case study for one of them. Compare their experience with the learning from this course.
…The vision of HIMSS is the promotion and advancement of the “best use of information and management systems for the betterment of health care” (Collins, 2010, p. 3), while the mission is “to lead change in the healthcare information and management systems field through knowledge sharing, advocacy, collaboration, innovation, and community affiliations” (Collins, 2010, p. 3). The Davies Awards was named in honor of…
Electronic Health Records Assignment Paper
HSM 330 Course Project Week 7
This longer written project is designed to give you the opportunity to select an electronic health record, identifying and discussing its key features. As part of this project, you will research your chosen software’s functions and how it works. The paper should critically analyze your findings. Specifically, the paper should offer the following information and address the following issues.
• Name of the product
• Uses of the product
• Integration with other information systems
• User friendliness of data entry and data retrieval
HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment
• Benefits of this particular software over similar types of software
• The implementation process you would use to implement the EHR
• Other issues as identified by your instructor
Electronic Health Records Assignment Paper Milestones
The name of the software you’ve chosen as the course project topic must be submitted in Week 1. (required)
A content outline for your paper is due by Week 3, indicating how you plan to address the above criteria, and the primary sources of information you will use. (required)
Feedback on your topic selection and project outline will be provided by the instructor.
The completed project is due by the end of Week 7. (required)
Electronic health records[1], or EHRs, are digital versions of a patient’s hospital and medical records. They contain specific information pertaining a patient’s medical history, including laboratory results, diagnoses, and medication, among others. These secure information are shared among other EHRs, thus, are updated on real-time, making data…
HSM 330 Midterm Exam: Electronic Health Records Assignment Paper
(TCO 1) Which statement best describes the acronym EHR? (Points : 10)
- Chosen by the IOM, carried forward by HL7 and CCHIT; most comprehensive term
- Used to describe systems based on document imaging or systems implemented in physicians’ offices HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment
- A standalone system that analyzes a large volume of aggregated data
- Coined by the IOM; designed to support users by providing accessibility to complete links to medical knowledge and other aids
(TCO 2) Which statement listed below is incorrect? (Points : 10)
- Comprehensive EHRs enable full generation of a printable chart negating need for EDMS
- EDMS implementations require process improvement and change management
- Hybrid record issues largely can be overcome by EDMS
- Paper and other digital documents can be accommodated in an ED/CM system
(TCO 3) EDMS would enable which of the following change to occur in an HIM department: (Points : 10)
- Change record retention schedule to one year
- Eliminate transcription
- Reduce coding errors
- Shift release of information to point of service
(TCO 4) Which law called for the standards to support e-prescribing?. (Points : 10)
- HIPAA (1996)
- TEFRA (1982)
- MMA (2003)
- There is no law but several state statutes cover this.
(TCO 5) Who is most responsible for ensuring physician adoption of an EHR in a hospital? (Points : 10)
- EHR project manager
- Executive leadership
- Nurses
- Physician champion
(TCO 6) What is the primary difference between a closed and an open system? (Points : 10)
- Closed systems are designed for use in secure environments whereas the open system can operate in any environment
- Closed systems do not interact with the environment while open systems are influenced by the environment.
- A closed system is for internal use only while the open system works with the Internet.
- A closed system costs money whereas the open system is free.
(TCO 7) An EHR is more like a program than a project because the EHR: (Points : 10)
- Has a high cost HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment
- Has no clear beginning and end
- Represents a change
- Requires great attention to detail
(TCO 1) As discussed in the textbook, describe some of the consumer awareness and perceptions of the EHR? (Points : 20)
- In this case, the term “consumers” pertains to both healthcare consumers and clinicians who will be using the EHR systems. Initially, there was hesitation on the veracity of EHR systems primarily because of…
(TCO 2) Not every vendor that supports HIS has developed a repository structure that is sufficiently robust to integrate both discrete data and images. What alternatives do hospitals have in this situation? Please Explain? (Points : 20)
- In this case, use of a presentation layer will prove to be a useful tool for hospitals. A presentation layer is “software that provides screen layout, data capture, and retrieval functionality, and operates on the…
(TCO 3) What is a template-based entry? Describe the pros and cons of a template-based entry? (Points : 20)
- Template-based entry is a combination of “free text and structured data entry” (p. 397) because on the clinician’s part, before he or she..
(TCO 4) Describe the following abbreviations: EDMS, RFID, HL7? (Points : 20)
- Electronic document management systems, or EDMS, is a software system that is used to… HSM 330 Electronic Health Records Essay Assignment