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NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

NUR700: Structure and Application of Contemporary Nursing Knowledge
Ways of Knowing

For this assignment you will explore, critically analyze, and professionally reflect on a recent professional experience that you perceive as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health. Within the context of the professional experience, you will explore values, beliefs, and assumptions. Through critical analysis you will identify 2 ways of knowing (emancipatory, ethical, personal, aesthetic, or empiric) that pertain to your professional experience. Lastly, you will professionally reflect on how the two ways of knowing will direct your choices of future actions to take.
Assignment Guidelines:


1. Begin this assignment with an introduction. The introduction should include a discussion that provides:
• A brief succinct overview of the professional experience.
• A statement that explains the purpose of the assignment (e.g., The purpose of this assignment is to……).
2. After your introduction, discuss the following content using appropriate APA level headings:
• Professional Experience – Provide a detailed description of the professional experience NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay.
o In your description clearly identify:
 Why the experience was perceived as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health.
 The values, beliefs, and assumptions associated with the experience.
• Ways of Knowing – Provide a detailed description of the 2 ways of knowing that were selected.
o In your description clearly identify:
 How the two ways of knowing relate to your specific professional experience.
• Future Actions – Provide a detailed description of potential future actions to take as a result of the professional experience.
o In your description clearly identify:
 How each of the two ways of knowing influenced the selection of the potential future actions.
3. End your paper with a conclusion NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay. The conclusion should present a brief summary of the key takeaway points of the paper. The conclusion should not present any new information.

Scholarly Writing Guidelines:
1. Grammar, spelling, and APA writing style will be graded according to doctoral level expectations. Please proofread carefully.
2. Your paper should be double-spaced with one inch margins, and include:
a. A title page and a reference page (Note: all in-text citations and sources listed on the reference page should be according to APA 6th edition).
b. Times New Roman 12 pt font throughout entire document.
c. Page numbers.
d. A running head.
e. APA 6th edition formatted subject level headings.


Structure and Application of Contemporary Nursing Knowledge

Ways of Knowing

For this NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay assignment you will explore, critically analyze, and professionally reflect on a recent professional experience that you perceive as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health.  Within the context of the professional experience, you will explore values, beliefs, and assumptions.  Through critical analysis you will identify 2 ways of knowing (emancipatory, ethical, personal, aesthetic, or empiric) that pertain to your professional experience.  Lastly, you will professionally reflect on how the two ways of knowing will direct your choices of future actions to take.

Assignment Guidelines:


  1. Begin this assignment with an introduction. The introduction should include a discussion that provides:
  • A brief succinct overview of the professional experience.
  • A statement that explains the purpose of the assignment (e.g., The purpose of this assignment is to……).
  1. After your introduction, discuss the following content using appropriate APA level headings:
  • Professional Experience – Provide a detailed description of the professional experience.
    • In your description clearly identify:
      • Why the experience was perceived as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health.
      • The values, beliefs, and assumptions associated with the experience.
    • Ways of Knowing – Provide a detailed description of the 2 ways of knowing that were selected.
      • In your description clearly identify:
        • How the two ways of knowing relate to your specific professional experience.
      • Future Actions – Provide a detailed description of potential future actions to take as a result of the professional experience. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay
        • In your description clearly identify:
          • How each of the two ways of knowing influenced the selection of the potential future actions.
  1. End your paper with a conclusion. The conclusion should present a brief summary of the key takeaway points of the paper.  The conclusion should not present any new information.


Scholarly Writing Guidelines:

  1. Grammar, spelling, and APA writing style will be graded according to doctoral level expectations. Please proofread carefully.
  2. Your paper should be double-spaced with one inch margins, and include:
    1. A title page and a reference page (Note: all in-text citations and sources listed on the reference page should be according to APA 6th edition).
    2. Times New Roman 12 pt font throughout entire document. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay
    3. Page numbers.
    4. A running head.
    5. APA 6th edition formatted subject level headings.


Criteria and Total points Student Points
Introduction = 3 points

·         Provided a brief succinct overview of the professional experience (2 points)

·         Stated the purpose of the assignment (1 point)

Professional Experience = 14 points

·         Provided a detailed description of the professional experience (4 points)

·         Clearly discussed why the experience was perceived as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health (4 points)

·         Clearly described the values (2 points), beliefs (2 points), and assumptions (2 points) associated with the experience. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

Ways of Knowing = 16 points


·         Provided a detailed description of each of the 2 ways of knowing (8 points total; 4 points each)

·         Clearly discussed how each of the two ways of knowing relate to the specific professional experience (8 points total; 4 points each)

Future Actions = 12 points


·         Provided a detailed description of potential future actions to take as a result of the professional experience (4 points)

·         Clearly discussed how each of the two ways of knowing influenced the selection of the potential future actions (8 points total; 4 points each)

Conclusion = 2 points


·         Provided a brief summary of the key takeaway points of the paper (2 points) NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

Scholarly Writing = 8 points


·         Demonstrated appropriate grammar, spelling, and APA writing style (4 points)

·         Paper is double-spaced with one inch margins, and includes (4 points):

a.       A title page and a reference page.

b.      All in-text citations and sources listed on the reference page are formatted according to APA 6th edition.

c.       Times New Roman 12 pt font is throughout entire document.

d.      Page numbers are included.

e.      A running head is present.

f.        APA 6th edition formatted subject level headings are included. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

Total Points Possible =   55 points


Ways of knowing


Nursing workload is a key problem for the nursing profession in the United States.  Nurses are experiencing heavy workloads than before as a result of an increase in demand for nurses, an insufficient supply of nurses and inadequate staffing and increased overtime. The increase in demand for nurses is due to the aging population with additional health care needs. The supply of nurses is inadequate to meet the present demand, with the shortage projected be more severe as demand will increase in future. The purpose of this assignment is to explore nursing workload as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and analyzes ways of knowing that pertain to my professional experience and how they will direct my choices of future actions to take NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay.

Professional experience and why it was perceived as a significant issue that could impact patient outcomes and population health

A high nursing workload is perceived as an important issue that could influence patient outcomes and population health because it is associated with suboptimal patient care and might result in low patient satisfaction. According to Ross et al (2019), there are numerous significant outcomes of heavy nursing overloads. A high nursing workload has an adverse effect on patient safety. In addition, it adversely affects the job satisfaction of nurse, and subsequently leads to increased turnover, which subsequently contributes to nursing shortage. Increased workloads result in lower patient safety and care quality and also increased rates of burnout, attrition, stress, and anxiety for nurses.

The assumptions, beliefs, and values associated with high nursing overload are that a high workload on nurses influences the time that nurses allot to numerous tasks. Under high workload, nurses may lack adequate time to complete tasks that will directly affect patient outcomes and population health. A key belief is that nursing workload leads to a decline in motivation as well as job satisfaction. It may lower morale, job performance, contribute to absenteeism and turnover and potentially threaten the quality of patient care. A major value associated with high nursing overload is that it violates nursing practice because there is deliberate nonconformity to nursing practice that is deemed essential in maintaining a secure or safe operation. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay  High workload leads to creation of conditions for errors and unsafe and unsatisfactory patient care through lessening attention on critical tasks that are devoted to nurses (Kaur & Gujral, 2017).

How ways of knowing relate to the professional experience

The two patterns of knowing are personal and empirical knowing. Personal knowing is the knowledge that nurses have themselves and what they have encountered and experience. As indicated by Chinn and Kramer (2015), personal knowledge comes to a nurse via the procedure of observing, reflecting, and self-actualizing. It through understanding themselves that nurses are capable of establishing legitimate, therapeutic relationships since it propels them towards integrity and wholeness. Empiric knowing is the knowledge that is gained from objective facts and research.  it is systematically organized into universal theories and laws. A key scheme through which nurses employ empiric knowledge is via the utilization of evidence-based practice.

Personal knowledge relates high nursing workload in that it is gotten from first hand experience, self-awareness, and reflection, that jointly, enable nurses to interrelate with patients and in an authentic and empathetic way. Empirical knowledge relates to the experience of high nursing workload in that it is a factual knowledge in nursing gotten objective experience and scientific inquiry and can be verified empirically. Trough empirical knowledge nurses utilize levels of evidence on high nursing workload for competent and effective management of resources and patient care. Dossey and Keegan (2015) claim that personal knowledge along with clinical expertise is vital constituents with evidence-based practice NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay. Personal knowing allows to be actively involved and engaged in care and become conscious of their present nursing staffing and can use research conclusions to support interventions that may be used.

Potential future actions to take as a result of the professional experience

Future actions include emphasizing on nursing education and improving the work environment to overcome nursing shortages and heavy nursing workloads.  Hospitals can expand training capacity to enroll more nursing students or open new schools. They can employ use strategies such as partnering with nursing schools and providing educational benefits, like making payments for advanced education along with certification. Hospitals can improve recruitment and retention of nurses by changing their work environment (Cowen& Moorhead, 2017).

Personal and empiric knowledge influenced the selection of potential future actions by enabling me to access, learn and understand through lived experiences, and consequently took congruent action towards the development of a desirable practice. As Dossey and Keegan (2015) allege, empiric knowing is vital in searching for evidence and is required for nursing practice.  Personal knowledge integrates the knowledge or emotional intelligence and self-awareness of the nurse, and also the intuitive insight of meanings grounded on personal experiences and is proved by the therapeutic utilization of self.   Nurses acquire personal knowledge themselves as a result of caring for patients. It may be valid as empiric knowledge and nurses can confidently utilize it to justify actions NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay.


Nursing workload is an important issue that could impact patient outcomes and population outcomes.  High nurse workload is associated with suboptimal patient care and might result in low patient satisfaction as also cause anxiety, stress, and burnout among nurses. Under heavy workloads, nurses have little time to complete tasks which can result in low motivation and increased turnover and negatively influence patient outcomes NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay.


Chinn, P., & Kramer, M.  (2015). Knowledge development in nursing theory and process (9th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Elsevier.

Cowen, P., & Moorhead, S. (2017). Current Issues in Nursing -E-Book.  New York: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Dossey, B., & Keegan, L. (2015). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice.  Burlington, MA:  Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Kaur, M., & Gujral, H. (2017). Work Load On Nurses And It’s Impact On Patientcare. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 6(5), 22-26.

Ross, C., Rogers, C., & King, C.  (2019). Safety Culture and an invisible nursing workload. Collegian, 26(1), 1-7. NUR700 Ways of Knowing in Nursing Essay

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