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Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions

Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions

Write a Post of 350–400-word reply to each Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions, include a biblical integration and at least 2 peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format in addition to the text.

Discussion #1

As the administrator in charge of reducing errors related to surgery, I know that efforts and built- in strategies of my human resource team should be tapped into to correlate success to enable and develop the different professionals under my charge.

Surgical errors are included but not limited to wrong patient, wrong surgery, and wrong site. These errors result in common negligent lawsuits however there processes to reduce surgical errors from taking place. (Pozgar, 2016).

Tips for avoiding wrong-site surgeries include clearly marking surgical site, “the surgeon and patient must participate to confirm the marking of the preoperative marking prior to surgery. (Pozgar, 2016, p.244).”


 Tips to reduce wrong patient error surgery are having patient’s medical record on hand available for reference and periodic identify confirmation against wrist identification bracelet (Pozgar, 2016).” Methods executed for preventing operating room objects from being left in surgical site include sponge and instrument counts, use surgical sponges with radiopaque threads and implement X-Rays to detect and discover any objects left in the operative wound (Pozgar, 2016, p.246).”

Training and development should be a bedrock focus of any human resources component as “training and development are the most important activities enabling a progressive health care organization to attain future goals and objectives (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 289).” Overall health care organizations are comprised of different professionals who bring “a unique set of skills to clinically and commercially specialized areas (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 290).”

There must be a medium a focus in which to consolidate, cross-reference and streamline safety practices as they pertain to training and patient wellness before breaking off and taking a hard training look as it pertains to each professional i.e. surgeons or anesthesiologists. As there are varyingly levels of skills and competencies throughout my staff development is required. Essentially to hon, uniform, and “enhance the individual competence of highly skilled personnel is a… building block of organizational excellence (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 290).”

Human resource management teams training and development efforts should include “strategic objectives, tactical positioning of organization and unique demands specific to the organization (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 289).” In doing so organization will positively forwarded and advanced through training and advancement.

Biblical integration can be applied in full circle and all-inclusiveness of knowledge approach that can be obtained from teaching and training. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 reminds readers “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work (The Holy Bible English Standard Version, 2016).”

Believers and health care professionals viewing teaching and correction as a means to bring forth component and equipped good work for the Lord and man would add greatly to change the culture of a hospital. The training and development activities I would implement to change the culture of the hospital in regard to reducing patient care errors would be those that highlight past errors and get ahead of current trends in errors and safety before they can happen within the organization. Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions.

Despite all efforts that an organization’s human resource team drives health care professionals must play an active dedicated role developing their own personal surgery safety success and growth. “Frontline operations…should discard outdated textbook…guidance…and have the personal onus to learn, adopt, and apply new approaches to performance improvement (Ngee Goh, 2014, p.161).” Senior managers and human resource professionals must recognize and get ahead of “changing requirements for progress on the journey excellence and propagate the needed insights to the organization (Ngee Goh, 2014, p.161)” in continuous facilitated training and development.


The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2016).

Pynes, J. E., & Lombardi, D. N. (2011). Human resources management for health care organizations: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9780470873557. Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions

Ngee Goh, T. (2014). Professional preparation for service quality and organizational excellence. International of Quality and Service Sciences 6 (2/3).Retrieved from

Pozgar, G. D. (2016). Navigate 2 Premier Access for Legal aspects of health care administration (12th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Discussion #2 – Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions

Training can defined as a systematic process that leads the employee’s behavior towards accomplishing the set of organizational objectives (Ajaz, 2012).  Hospitals are complex organization because they have a variety of jobs performed by various specialized personnel. Interaction of several groups creates a great challenge to manage.  The seminal 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report noted that as many as 98,000 people die each year in the United States as a result of preventable medical harm (Fagan, 2012). Nurses and administrative staff play an important role in ensuring that patients receive quality care. Nurses’ provide direct patient care by administering medication, treatment, and comfort. The administrative staffs are considered the first point of contact for a patient and constant contact throughout a patient’s visit as they move from one department to the next. Nurses and administrative can see first-hand the gaps in service delivery and how important it is to ensure high quality of service. Patient safety is also important, an organization as complex as a hospital can create a great challenge in managing errors, deviations, and accidents because a patient’s care is left in the hands of multiple specialties. For this reason it is important to ensure that that patient records are keep accurate and records are attached to the correct patient to avoid severe safety consequences, such as wrong-side surgery or administrating medication to the wrong person.

Team based training to improve communication, creating pilot checklist to reduce errors, and creating organizational cultures supporting patient safety is the method I would use to help improve training and reduce patient harm.  Incorporating checklist leads to safer patient care. A study done in an Israeli observed patient care in ICUs found that a patient requires 178 individual actions per day and in every action there is a possible risk to patients.  Patient care is complex and sometimes impossible to solely have safety information and measures relied on human memory.  Checklist like the 5-step checklist for preventing blood infections can reduce the reliance on memory alone. If used consistently, it can help eliminate errors related to patient care. Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions.

As far as team collaboration, I would implement a focus group where conversations are centered on teamwork and corporation. It is known that half of healthcare workers had witnessed lack of support, teamwork, and incompetence in their workplace environment.  Poor communication and teamwork can contribute to medical errors that affect the patient’s care. In additional to focus groups, I would implement a crew resource management (CRM), which is a team training that focuses on the cognitive and interpersonal skills that are needed to work as a team member. It focuses on team building and maintenance (Fagan, 2012).  CRM training strategies and principles are centered on all disciplines and specialists in healthcare.  There is the Anesthesia crew resource management (ACRM) which was implemented in 1992, Med Teams for emergency department in 1996, and multiple CRM for operation room that focused on the CRM principles (Fagan, 2012).

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.


Ajaz, A. M. (2012). Human resorce management (HRM) practices in hospitals. International Journal of Management Prudence, 4(1), 41-55. Retrieved from

Hyde, P., Sparrow, P., Boaden, R., & Harris, C. (2013). High performance HRM: NHS employee perspectives. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 27(3), 296-311. doi:10.1108/JHOM-10-2012-0206. Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in Hospitals Essay Assignment Discussions.

Fagan, M. J. (2012). Techniques to improve patient safety in hospitals: What nurse administrators need to know. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(9), 426-430. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182664df5

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