Nursing Assignment Service

NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I

NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
Nursing Education Seminar I
Course Description
This course prepares nurse educators to deliver instruction within clinical, professional, and academic settings with
specific emphasis on effective methods of facilitating learning and fostering critical thinking skills in diverse student
populations. Students apply instructional strategies and methods grounded in evidence-based practice and learning
theory and engage in the selection of appropriate strategies to facilitate learning. Students also consider the effective
integration of technology and simulation into teaching practice. Students complete 50 direct care practicum hours to
integrate advanced nursing knowledge and skills into practice. Practicum/field experience hours: 50. Prerequisite:


C Course Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Herrman, J. (2015). Creative teaching strategies for the nurse educator(2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
ISBN-13: 9780803644687 (available as print text only)
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
page 2 of 19
Shellenbarger, T. (2018). Clinical nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for academic
clinical nurse educators. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-13: 9781975104269 (available as
print text only)
Learning Environment Observation
During your professional career as a nurse educator, you will be asked to teach in various learning environments;
including traditional classroom, online, and clinical.
For the assignment in Topic 5 you will be asked to complete a classroom observation.
The classroom can be a traditional or clinical setting and be directed at students, nurses, or patients.
Typhon Website: Access NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
See the attached document and follow the steps to initiate your Typhon account. If you have difficulty, utilize the
tutorial videos on the home page.
Grand Canyon University requires you to use the Typhon Student Tracking System to log and document clinical hours
and patient case logs for all clinical courses.
You will complete the case logs after each clinical experience.
T Topic 1: Role of the Nurse Educator in Various Settings
Identify the teaching role expectations and competencies that define the scholarly nursing position.
Explore different educational forums to understand the importance of professional nursing
Explore the historical development of the role of nurse educators.
Formulate practicum goals to meet identified learning needs.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Read Chapter 1 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
page 3 of 19
Read Chapters 1 and 6 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators.
A Day in the Life of a Nurse Educator
Read “A Day in the Life of a Nurse Educator,” by Brunt from Ohio Nurses Review (2014).
Nurse Educator Core Competencies
Read “Nurse Educator Core Competencies,” found on the National League for Nursing website to complete the
Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio
Review the “Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio” resource to the complete the topic assignment.
T Tasks
Practicum Goals
This assignment requires your collaboration with the course faculty and practicum preceptor early on
to establish goals for successful completion of your practicum requirements.
Develop a 250-500-word narrative for completing your practice hours and how objectives will be met.
Include the following in your narrative:
Five practicum goals that relate to course objectives, course deliverables, your personal and
professional development needs, and your practicum setting.
A proposed schedule to meet your goals and the 50 required practicum hours you must
accumulate during this course NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I.
A description of any challenges you expect to encounter, and strategies to help you overcome
these challenges.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the
Student Success Center.
Pre-Practicum Preceptor, Faculty, and Student Conferences
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Prior to starting practicum hours, students are required to arrange a conference with their preceptors
to review the course objectives and discuss the proposed practicum experience.
Students and preceptors will attest to meeting by signing the “Practicum Preceptor, Faculty, and
Student conference” form and submitting it to the instructor in LoudCloud during the first week of
class for approval of the proposed experiences.
Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio
For this program, you will be creating a working electronic portfolio that can be utilized when trying to
obtain a position as a nurse educator. The electronic portfolio will encompass several artifacts from
your practicum courses. Use the “Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio,” resource to guide you in
collecting the required artifacts for this. You will submit the completed electronic portfolio in
Topic 1 DQ 1
Compare the difference between a traditional faculty role versus the online faculty role. How are the
expectations different for each role? What steps will you need to prepare to be successful in each?
Topic 1 DQ 2
Referring to the National League of Nursing’s (NLN) Nurse Educator Competencies, choose one
competency and describe how you will achieve this competency in your nurse educator role.
T Topic 2: Learning Theory and Educational Philosophies NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
Apply learning theories and teaching philosophies to provide structure for the learning process.
Apply theory to teaching practices to support the ability to effectively teach utilizing evidence-based
Evaluate learning theories and educational philosophies to develop effective learning environments.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
page 5 of 19
Review Chapter 1 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
Read Chapter 2 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic Clinical
Nurse Educators.
T Tasks
Teaching Philosophy Statement
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your personal teaching philosophy statement. This will
be included in your e-portfolio to be submitted at the end of this course.
Begin by researching a developed teaching philosophy and use the information to shape your own
In 250-500 words, develop a personal teaching philosophy statement that includes your beliefs on
the purpose of education, how students learn, how your beliefs facilitate learning, the role of the
nurse educator, and how you plan to implement this philosophy to grow as an educator as you seek
to integrate the nurse educator competencies into your professional practice.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Topic 2 DQ 1
Select two nursing theories and explain how they can be applied in nursing education. How can the
theories aid in your teaching practices including clinical or patient specific experiences?
Topic 2 DQ 2
Search the literature and find an example of a research study that uses an educational theory in a
nursing education study. Does the study appear to use the theory appropriately? How does the
research contribute to understanding of the theory? Be sure to cite the article.
T Topic 3: Individualized Student Learning
page 6 of 19
Classify student types, learning styles, and learning style frameworks.
Discover the importance of learning needs in a diversified student population.
Evaluate teaching strategies useful for understanding and addressing the learning needs of diverse
student populations NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Read Chapter 5 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
Read Chapter 3 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic Clinical
Nurse Educators.
College Success: A Fresh Look at Differentiated Instruction and Other Student-Centered
Read “College Success: A Fresh Look at Differentiated Instruction and Other Student-Centered Strategies,” by
Lightweis, from College Quarterly (2013).
Differentiation Through Blended Learning
Read “Differentiation Through Blended Learning,” by Kleber, from Leadership (2015).
The Learning Environment and Learning Styles: A Guide for Mentors
Read “The Learning Environment and Learning Styles: A Guide for Mentors,” by Vinales, from British Journal of
Nursing (2015).
T Tasks
page 7 of 19
SBAR Clinical Log
Complete the “SBAR Clinical Log” to document your total clinical hours completed to date, a
description of observations and tasking completed, and additional comments regarding your
practicum Experience. You will also complete the “SBAR,” section of the form related to a patient you
have assessed during your clinical experience thus far.
Topic 3 DQ 1
Discuss an experience working with a diverse patient or student population or students with
diverse learning needs. Using evidence-based literature, develop a strategy to increase the
success of these students in a classroom setting.
Topic 3 DQ 2
Do you think it is practical and relevant to use a learning style inventory with patients or students in
your selected area of education? Support your response with literature.
T Topic 4: Student Diversity and Engagement Practices
Prepare optimal instructional plans for the diversity of the student nurse population.
Describe educational laws that impact student diversity and instruction.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Review Chapter 5 and read Chapter 6 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
page 8 of 19
Review Chapter 3 and read Chapters 4 and 6 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based
Practice for Academic Clinical Nurse Educators.
Translation of Knowledge and Skills from Controlled Learning Environment to Clinical Practice
Read “Translation of Knowledge and Skills from Controlled Learning Environment to Clinical Practice,” by Ali and
Manokre, from International Journal of Nursing Education (2016).
T Tasks
Midterm Preceptor-Faculty-Student Conference and Evaluation
Complete the Preceptor-Faculty-Student Conference and Evaluation, including applicable
signatures for each preceptor.
Midterm Clinical Evaluation
The clinical faculty will contact the preceptor by phone and review the midterm clinical competencies. The preceptor
will perform a midterm clinical evaluation with the clinical faculty. The clinical faculty will input the evaluation via the
Typhon system.
Students will access the completed preceptor evaluations in Typhon under the tab for “EASI: Evaluation and Survey
Instrument” and print out the completed evaluation, sign it, and upload the signed evaluation into LoudCloud.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
Topic 4 DQ 1
What culture and diversity issues have you experienced when working with current student or
patient populations? What strategies do nurse educators use to bridge culture and diversity
barriers? How do these strategies aim to create a positive learning environment
Topic 4 DQ 2
Choose an experience from your clinical practicum that demonstrates engagement and teaching
strategies utilized to teach clinical experience in other education setting. How could you implement
engagement or teaching strategies with learning theories to teach students or patients about the
experience in a didactic or online classroom?
page 9 of 19
T Topic 5: Teaching Strategies
Maintain and manage the learning environment for optimal student or patient outcomes.
Establish an environment that promotes student participation and engagement.
Prepare for a variety of learning environments, including online, traditional, and clinical.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Read Chapter 4 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
Read Chapter 5 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic Clinical
Nurse Educators.
Translation of Knowledge and Skills From Controlled Learning Environment to Clinical Practice
Review “Translation of Knowledge and Skills From Controlled Learning Environment to Clinical Practice,” by Ali and
Manokore fromInternational Journal of Nursing Education (2016).
Managing the Higher Education Classroom
Read “Managing the Higher Education Classroom,” by Clark, from Radiologic Technology (2017).
Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Experience Related to Their Clinical Learning Environment
and Factors Affecting to Their Clinical Learning Process
Read “Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Experience Related to Their Clinical Learning Environment and Factors
Affecting to Their Clinical Learning Process,” by Burcu, Ordin, and Yilmaz, from Nurse Education in Practice (2018).
Stress Triggers in the Educational Environment From the Perspective of Nursing Students
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Read “Stress Triggers in the Educational Environment From the Perspective of Nursing Students,” by Domingues,
Devos, Edison Luiz, Leda, Tomaschewski-Barle,. Lerch, and Ramos, from Texto & Contexto Enfermagem,(2018).
Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool (ELEOT)
Use the “Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool (ELEOT),” to complete the assignment.
ELEOT Reference Guide
Use the “ELEOT Reference Guide,” to assist in completing the assignment.
T Tasks
Learning Environment Observation
During your professional career as a nurse educator, you will be asked to teach in various learning
environments; including traditional classroom, online, and clinical.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide knowledge of establishing an environment that
promotes student participation, engagement, and optimal student outcomes.
The classroom can be a traditional or clinical setting and be directed at students, nurses, or
Using the “ELEOT Reference Guide” complete the “Effective Learning Environments Observation
Tool (ELEOT).”
Write a 500-750 word summary of the observation. Include the following in your summary.
Discuss the results of the ELEOT.
Discuss how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment.
Discuss the various engagement and learning strategies that were used and how they could
be implemented in different learning environments including traditional and non-traditional
Discuss how you could implement some these strategies into your own classroom.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the
Student Success Center.
Topic 5 DQ 1
page 11 of 19
Consider a time as a student, in which you experienced a positive learning environment. What
made the experience a quality learning environment? Why? Support your choice with current
Topic 5 DQ 2
In nursing, there are several diverse “physical learning environments.” Describe three strategies a
nursing faculty utilizes to ensure a positive student learning experience within a variety of settings.
T Topic 6: Facilitating Critical Thinking and Active Learning
Identify how to develop effective teaching strategies based on individual teaching style.
Develop teaching strategies for multiple learning styles.
Apply Bloom’s taxonomy to formulate learning objectives.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Review Chapter 5 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
Review Chapter 4 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice
for Academic Clinical Nurse Educators.
Using Innovative Teaching Strategies to Improve Outcomes in a Pharmacology Course
Read “Using Innovative Teaching Strategies to Improve Outcomes in a Pharmacology Course,” by
Thomas and Schuessler, from Nursing Education Perspectives (2016).
Bringing Learning to Light: Innovative Instructional Strategies for Teaching Infection Control to
Nursing Students
page 12 of 19
Read “Bringing Learning to Light: Innovative Instructional Strategies for Teaching Infection Control
to Nursing Students,” by Wiles, Rose, Curry-Lourenco, and Swift, from Nursing Education
Perspectives (2015).
Evidenced-Based Teaching Strategies that Facilitate Transfer of Knowledge Between Theory
and Practice: What are Nursing Faculty Using?
Read ” Evidenced-Based Teaching Strategies that Facilitate Transfer of Knowledge Between
Theory and Practice: What are Nursing Faculty Using?,” by Culyer, Love Jatulis, Cannistraci, and
Brownell, from Teaching and Learning in Nursing(2018).
T Tasks
SBAR Clinical Log
Complete the “SBAR Clinical Log” to document your total clinical hours completed to date, a
description of observations and tasking completed, and additional comments regarding your
practicum Experience. You will also complete the “SBAR,” section of the form related to a patient
you have assessed during your clinical experience thus far.
Topic 6 DQ 1
Choose three teaching strategies that you feel the most comfortable using. Explain why you think
you are most comfortable with this strategy? Discuss how you think these teaching strategies are
classified according to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
Topic 6 DQ 2
Choose an experience from your clinical practicum that you feel comfortable teaching. Using
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, “insert objective writing resource,” and the teaching strategies
learned in this topic, create three learning objectives for the topic you chose. Provide feedback on
your classmates’ objectives as your discussion response NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I.
T Topic 7: Learning Environment
page 13 of 19
Apply knowledge of teaching strategies for critical thinking.
Demonstrate teaching strategies to promote active learning.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Review Chapters 4 and 5 and read Chapter 2, 3, and 6 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the
Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
Read Chapter 9 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice
for Academic Clinical Nurse Educator.
The Use and Effectiveness of Active Learning Methods in Nursing and Health Professions
Education: A Literature Review.
Read “The Use and Effectiveness of Active Learning Methods in Nursing and Health Professions
Education: A Literature Review,” by Waltz, Jenkins, and Han, from Nurse Education Prespectives
Think Like a Nurse: A Critical Thinking Initiative
Read “Think Like a Nurse: A Critical Thinking Initiative,” by Ward and Morris, from ABNF Journal,
The Doorway Assessment: Reducing Anxiety and Promoting Critical Thinking in Nursing
Read “The Doorway Assessment: Reducing Anxiety and Promoting Critical Thinking in Nursing
Students,” by Foley, from America Nurse Today (2016).
Visual Literacy: Images of Nurses and Nursing
page 14 of 19
Review the “Visual Literarcy: Images of Nurses and Nursing,” sample lesson plan to assist you in
completing the topic assignment.
NATCEP Daily Lesson Plan
Review “NATCEP Daily Lesson Plan,” from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, to assist
you in completing the topic assignment.
How Formative Assessment Helps Nursing Students Succeed in the Classroom
Read “How Formative Assessment Helps Nursing Students Succeed in the Classroom,” by
Lippincott Nursing Education, found on the Nursing Education Blog, (2017).
T Tasks
Benchmark -Nurse Educator Lesson Plan
As a nurse educator, you will be responsible for creating effective lessons for various settings.
Choose a teaching and learning experience from your clinical setting. You may use the clinical
experience from your Topic 4 discussion response.
Based on the experience you chose, use the engagement, student learning, and creating effective
learning environment strategies that you have learned in this course to develop a lesson plan on
similar content for two additional settings (such as an asynchronous online session and teaching a
nursing student in the clinical setting, etc.). Use the lesson plan examples found in the topic materials
to assist you in creating your lesson outlines.
This assignment will be used as an artifact for your electronic portfolio at the end of the course.
Include the following in your outline:
Lesson Objectives
Timeframe and target environment
Three to four teaching strategies-based on Evidence-Based Practice.
A summary of the types of assessments you would use in your lesson and why?
Provide rationale for the teaching strategies you implemented into each lesson and why they
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I.
page 15 of 19
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
This assignment benchmarks the following competency:
Master of Science in Nursing with an Emphesis in Education
6.1: Apply instructional strategies grounded in evidence-based practice and learning theory that meet
the unique needs of learners in diverse environments.
Topic 7 DQ 1
How can nurse educators encourage critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgement in
clinical education and the traditional classroom or clinical setting? How can you differentiate these
instruction pieces for various educational or clinical settings?
Topic 7 DQ 2
What are common barriers when teaching critical thinking skills? What strategies can nursing
educators use to better promote critical thinking skills in students?
T Topic 8: Teaching With Evidence-Based Practices (EBP), Technology, and
Identify methods to stay current with new technology and EBPs.
Utilize theory and EBPs to develop effective learning environment.
Outline the impact of new technology in the classroom to improve dissemination of material and
address different types of learning styles.
S Study Materials
Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Read Chapter 7 in Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator.
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic
Clinical Nurse Educators
page 16 of 19
Read Chapter 7 in Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice
for Academic Clinical Nurse Educators.
Undergraduates: Infusing Technology Into a Nursing Curriculum
Read ” Undergraduates: Infusing Technology Into a Nursing Curriculum,” by Villaran and
Matcharadaze, from Nursing Informatics Today (2014).
Enhancing Utility and Understanding of Evidence Based Practice Through Undergraduate Nurse
Read “Enhancing Utility and Understanding of Evidence Based Practice Through Undergraduate
Nursing Education,” by Briggs, Carlisle, Lewis, Reid, and Scott, from BMC Nursing (2017).
Tactics for Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: Improving Self-Efficacy in Finding and Appraising
Evidence in a Master’s Evidence-Based Practice Unit
Read “Tactics for Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: Improving Self-Efficacy in Finding and
Appraising Evidence in a Master’s Evidence-Based Practice Unit,” by Chang and Levin, from
Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing (2014).
T Tasks
Final Clinical Evaluation
Please make sure that all current hours have been entered into Typhon and your preceptor has
approved all your current hours. This must be done prior to submitting your Final Clinical Evaluation.
The preceptor will complete the “Final Clinical Evaluation” form. Instructor discretion may vary
the due date depending on student’s clinical practicum experience.
Review the evaluation with your preceptor.
The preceptor will sign electronically in Typhon. The student will then pull this evaluation from
Typhon and submit to the classroom
The student must submit a signed copy to the classroom.
Unsigned submissions or those not submitted appropriately do not meet completion criteria
and may result in loss of points and/or failure of the course.
This is a pass/fail assignment. Failure to successfully complete this assignment will result in failure of
the course.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
page 17 of 19
Final Preceptor, Faculty, and Student Conference and Evaluation
Complete the “Preceptor-Faculty-Student Conference and Evaluation” resource including
applicable signatures for each preceptor.
Clinical Evaluation of Preceptor by Student
Evaluate your preceptor using “Evaluation of Clinical Preceptor by Student” form.
Although this is an ungraded submission, it is a requirement for course completion.
Typhon Screen Shot
You are required to submit 50 hours to be approved by the preceptor and the faculty.
Take a screen shot of your Typhon log and submit in assignment dropbox. Faculty will confirm your
screen shot with Typhon. NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I
Topic 8 DQ 1
Identify two to three new learning technologies in nursing education. As a nurse educator, discuss
how you would incorporate these technologies into the curriculum?
Topic 8 DQ 2
How can educator’s best assess student’s learning needs and match those needs with innovative
teaching technologies? Discuss the role of evaluating evidence and best practices when selecting
new technologies to integrate into the learning environment.
Grade Scale
Final Grade Column
page 18 of 19
Letter Grade GPA Value Minimum (%) Maximum (%)
A 4.0 97.0 100.0
A- 3.7 93.0 96.99
B+ 3.3 89.0 92.99
B 3.0 85.0 88.99
B- 2.7 81.0 84.99
C+ 2.3 78.0 80.99
C 2.0 76.0 77.99
F 0.0 0.02 75.99
I 0.0 0.0 0.01
Grade Categories
Assignments (%) Points Percentile
Midterm Preceptor-Faculty-Student Conference and
Evaluation 20.0 —
Final Clinical Evaluation 120.0 —
Practicum Goals 25.0 —
SBAR Clinical Log 75.0 —
Teaching Philosophy Statement 75.0 —
Typhon Screen Shot 30.0 —
Midterm Clinical Evaluation 75.0 —
SBAR Clinical Log 75.0 —
Learning Environment Observation 100.0 —
Pre-Practicum Preceptor, Faculty, and Student
Conferences 20.0 —
Benchmark -Nurse Educator Lesson Plan 125.0 —
Final Preceptor, Faculty, and Student Conference and
Evaluation 20.0 —
Discussion Question (%) Points Percentile
Topic 8 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 2 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 5 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 7 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 1 DQ 1 5.0 —
page 19 of 19
Topic 8 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 6 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 3 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 4 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 3 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 2 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 4 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 7 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 5 DQ 1 5.0 —
Topic 1 DQ 2 5.0 —
Topic 6 DQ 2 5.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Participation (%) Points Percentile
20.0 —
Class Effective Start: Sep 12, 2019


NUR-646E Nursing Education Seminar I


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