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Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay

Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay

Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay

To Prepare
• Choose two of the six dimensions of patient-centered care (PCC), listed below, on which to focus for this Discussion.
• Think about how you might implement the two dimensions you selected into your health interview and assessment process in order to improve quality in patient collaboration and outcomes.
1. Respect for patients’ values, preferences, and expressed needs
2. Coordination and integration of care through collaboration and teamwork
3. Accessibility and free flow of information, communication, and education


4. Physical comfort
5. Sensitivity to non-medical and the spiritual dimension of care (emotional support)
6. Involvement of family and friends Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay
Post a substantive 3-paragraph response (at least 350 words) discussing the selected dimensions of patient-centered care.
Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Use the writing resources and the Discussion Rubric to develop your post Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay.

• Define the two dimensions of patient-centered care that you selected.
• Describe how your implementation of the two dimensions in your health interview and assessment will improve quality in patient collaboration and outcomes.

Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care

Respect of patient’s preferences, values and expressed needs and involvement of family and friends

Respect for patient’  values, preferences and expressed needs  involves  engaging patients in making decisions on their care, identifying that  patients are persons with their own distinctive preferences and values .According to Tzelepis et al (2015), health care must respectful  the cultural values, preferences and needs of the patient. Patient must feel capable of expressing their perspectives, be engaged in making decisions in accordance to their preferences, and get respectful care. Involvement of family and friends is a principle that addresses the roles that friends and family play in patient experience. Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay. Tzelepis et al (2015) argue that friends and family are involved in patient decision-making and care in accordance to the preferences and care and that care must be responsive to the wishes of friends and family. Friends and friends can improve the relationship between the patient and care provider, enhance exchange of and augment patient contentment.

How implementation of the two dimensions in my health interview and assessment will improve quality in patient collaboration and outcomes

Implementation of patient values, preferences and expressed needs  in my health interview and assessment will  enable me  educe patient expressed needs, values and preferences as a component  of clinical interview, execution of plan of care  and  assessment of care. It will also enhance patient-centered care by involving patients in decisions on their care and support them to set and achieve their individual treatment goals, thus improving outcomes. Implementation of patient values and preferences in health interview and assessment enable providers to communicate patient expressed needs, values and preferences to other individuals taking part in patient care (Kruschke, 2018). Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay.

Implementation of involvement of family and friends in my health interviews and assessment will give them opportunity to provide information, authority to influence patient care decisions and offer their opinions on the type of care they want their patient to receive Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay. Cramm et al (2015) alleges that depending on how serious a condition is, a disease affect the patients as well as friends and family. Mackie et al (2018) argue that healthcare that permits patients and their friends and families to partner and collaborate in provision of care has been suggested to improve quality and patient safety. Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay. Javed and Herrman (2017) assert that it is acknowledged that so as to improve care, it is essential to appreciate patients’ individual experiences along with those of their friends and family, and seek out their involvement in organizing and planning of care


Cramm, J., Leensvaart, L., Berghout, M., & Exel, J. (2015).  Exploring views on what is important for patient-centered care in end-stage renal disease using Q methodology. BMC Nephrology, 16:74.

Javed, A., Herrman, H. (2017). Involving patients, carers and families: an international perspective on emerging perspectives.  BJPsych International, 14(1): 1-4.

Kruschke, C.  (2018). Leadership Skills for Licensed Practical Nurses Working with the Aging Population. New York: Springer Publishing. Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay.

Mackie, B., Mitchell, M., & Marshall, A. (2018). The impact of interventions that promote family involvement in care on adult-care wards: An integrative review. Collegian, 25(1): 131-140.

Tzelepis, F., Snaason-Fisher, R., Zucca, A., & Fradgley, E. (2015). Measuring the quality of patient-centered care: why patient-reported measures are critical to reliable assessment. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9(1): 831-835. Patient-Centered Care-At First Contact Essay.

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