Nursing Assignment Service

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative


For this Assignment you will pick one recommended screening from AHRQ section 2; an A or B Grade:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services. Retrieved from

An initiative is a project, an event, so something in the community is ideal. Workplace location for employees is fine too. Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.

Conceptual Model

Choose a conceptual model that you think might work for your initiative and explain the model here.  Appendix 2 in the document at the link below will help you understand community approaches. Appendix 3 in this same document will help you with conceptual model selection. Note: This project is about screening, not physical activity evaluation. Use the appendix as a resource for models:

Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. (2002). Retrieved from

You may choose to independently research your model to help you explain its application to your initiative. If you have found another model you will like to use, not listed, contact your instructor.

Screening Purpose

Discuss why it is important to screen for this condition. This is where you address your community assessment and the reason for this need in your community/ population choice. Support your stance with statistics and information, ideally related to the location and population.


Clearly address the demographics that are being screened; where they live, state, county, ages, races included etc.

Screening Activity

This section is what you are doing at the screening and should completely align with the screening guideline above for the condition. Also all health promotion screenings include some brief prevention education component.

 Outcome Goals

Bullet a few specific goals here. What do you hope to accomplish with your screening?


Briefly explain where you are doing this. It should be very specific. Senior Citizen Center in Monroe Co on Saturday. Local church- name, malls, fair etc. Think about what facility type, area you will need. Add comments on why this location meets the needs of your target population and screening choice.


This is the cost for you to develop and conduct the initiative. It is best displayed as a brief Word table showing what it costs you do develop and conduct the screening; paper, equipment, rental s etc. Volunteers are fine, but everything is not free. Students must demonstrate they can develop a cost estimate for screenings that is realistic and takes into account financials. If there is a cost for the attendees that should go here as well.


Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community and why it is important.

This should be a 3–4 page paper, excluding title page, and references. A person should be able to read your paper and understand fully what you are screening, where, when, the costs and how it is supported in the guideline. Ideally a person would be able to duplicate your screening initiative, based on the clarity you present. This paper should adhere to appropriate 6th edition APA format. A minimum of 3-4 sources should be used.

How to Submit:

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit  Dropbox and then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.

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