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Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion

Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion

Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion

While there are many potential benefits of using big data as part of a clinical systems, the one that stands out in my view is a test in validity. Most recent events related to Covid had to do with treatments. Initial reaction to the onset of the virus was nebulizer treatments. This course of action of was quickly change when the realization that the virus was airborne and the use of nebs was aerosolizing the contagious spread. While this method did not require too much big data over time, other topics like Walmart’s attempt to change healthcare qualifies as testing validity of big data.

In the following example, the challenge of using big data is to overcome a system (medical) that is ingrained with analogs and protocols which valid a surgeons decision to perform surgery. Offering prove that U.S. employs have reached their limit of tolerance with the countless problems of our medical system, an employee of Walmart who complained of back pain sought initial consultation from a local physician that resulted in recommendation of spinal surgery. Walmart sought second opinion for the employee and the patient was diagnosed with early onset of Parkinson’s Disease; thus avoiding a multi-thousand dollar surgery and recovery that was not needed (Farr, 2019). What chance does a single patient’s opinion have when it took a giant corporation to challenge the current healthcare model and alter this patient’s outcome?

One strategy that exits to mitigate the risk of big data is the proper use of EMRs. The EMR was brought into the spotlight during President Bush’s 2004 State of the Union address when he referenced a 10 year deadline for Americans to utilize EMRs. The purpose of this goal was to avoid dangerous mistakes, make spending more efficient, and improve the healthcare model. It comes as little surprise that the healthcare system was reluctant to embrace EMRs, despite a petition being made for the industry to up their game. Regardless of a slow start, EMRs were at 77% of target in a report published in 2013. Under the Obama administration, incentives or fines were offered for compliance to healthcare organizations. Continued studies are measuring the effects of this administration (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

The use of EMR must be specific in nature, due to it’s boundaryless data. According to Wang et al., (2018), “The first step is to formulate the missions of data governance, with clearly focused goals, execution procedures, governance metrics, and performance measures. In other words, a strong data governance protocol should be defined to provide clear guidelines for data availability, criticality, authenticity, sharing, and retention that enable healthcare organizations to harness data effectively…” The initial physician for the Walmart worker needed to use big data for the best interests of the patient instead of validating the need for surgery. In this case, data governance would intervene for the patient’s best interest.



Farr, C. (2019). Walmart is so desperate to fix health care, it flies employees to top hospitals in other states for treatment. CNBC.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 268-269.


Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126(1), 3–13.


 Good post xxx! The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is one of the best things that could have advanced when it comes to technology. The increasing population demands a system that holds multiple areas of clinical data. Electronic systems are needing to be revised and improved often to ensure patient data is available and documented correctly for any provider that might see the patient. The goal of big data with EHRs is to keep transforming and converting clinical data into knowledge. Another positive to big data and EHRs, is the accessibility of real-time patient information on mobile sites and healthcare apps (Ross et al, 2014).

According to Oregon Health & Science University, improving patient health, health care, public health and biomedical research is the purpose of biomedical informatics, which plays into why big data is so important pertaining to the EHR (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). EHRs can be beneficial if a patient is unresponsive, if one is traveling elsewhere, and aiding in providing continuity of care based off the patient’s medical history provided in his/her EMR. The thing that most facilities need to get on board with is having an updated electronic documentation system to fulfil the benefits that big data has to offer. Today’s world is advancing so quickly, using big data now and using it properly can help find cures for diseases, finding and participating in new evidence-based practice and nurses advocating for their patients using the most up-to-date research and health care information to provide the best quality care possible (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the foundation of knowledge

(4th ed.). Chapter 24, “Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics, and Computational

Biology ” (pp 537-551). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

M.K. Ross, L. Ohno-Machado, & W. Wei. (2014, August 15th). “Big Data” and the Electronic

Health Record.

response 2

You have many valid points on how big data can help and also hurt the health care consumer. Your analysis of big data breaching patient confidentiality is a concern. There has been work on implementing DNA encoding cryptography security on big data stored on the cloud by large healthcare organizations (Nayak, & Jayalakshmi, 2021). With solid security databases in place to protect our patient’s confidential information, big data could move health care in the right direction. The problem is that patient confidentiality makes the progress of healthcare in the information technology world far behind (Vij, & Bathla, 2020). Overall, informatics and big data could make a lot of progress for our field, but I agree with you, Timothy. Big data needs to be protected.


Nayak, L., & Jayalakshmi, V. (2021). A Study of Securing Healthcare Big Data using DNA Encoding based

ECC. 2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT),

Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2021 6th International Conference On, 348–352.

Vij, A., Saini, S., & Bathla, R. (2020). Big Data in Healthcare: Technologies, Need, Advantages, and

Disadvantages. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and

Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), Reliability, Infocom Technologies and

Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020 8th International Conference On,


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