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Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay

Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay

Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay

The current state of nursing knowledge in the 21st century

Nursing knowledge along with necessary proficiencies has dramatically increased. Latest exploration on the current state of nursing knowledge hypothesizes that increase in knowledge in the past ten years is equivalent to that attained in the last 100 years. It has now become necessary for nurses to be life-long and active learners. Hein (2015) argues that nursing knowledge base has increased and also the process of teaching and learning has changed. Presently, nurses might enroll in an ongoing education at nearly all levels of advanced online education. Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay.


The immense increase in nursing knowledge at the start of 21st century was manifested by better comprehension of conceptual nurse knowledge along with ways of creating knowledge for practice.  Roy and Jones (2014) claim that in doctoral education, professional conferences and nursing literature, there is maturing of the discipline, especially in philosophical perspectives, conceptual focus, sociopolitical commitments and methodological inquiry.

Five major challenges facing the future advancement of nursing knowledge

The first challenge facing the future advancement of nursing knowledge is shortage of qualified faculty to train the skills needed to educate future nurses. Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay. According to Cowen and Moorhead (2014), majority of nursing   training institutions are facing a severe shortage of faculty with the essential credentials for appointments into the faculty. Additionally, training nursing learners in wide range of healthcare settings may be challenging.  Factors such limited number of healthcare facilities and registered nurses’ workload demands make it hard to educate and mentor students.

The use of healthcare technology is a major challenge facing the future advancement of nursing knowledge. The use of technology might help with safer care, but it will demand synthesis, monitoring and management of huge volumes of patient information Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay.  Yoost and Crawford (2019) argue that there are numerous challenges to progress in information technology,incuding cost of equipment, time needed to document  patient information, safeguarding of patient privacy and health care providers’  resistance to new technology.

Curriculum enhancement is another major challenge. According to Fawaz et al (2018), nursing pedagogues try to expose learners to numerous learning experiences so as to ensure they get information via several channels and are able to get the best evidence.  This approach is challenging because requires a lot of energy and time from nurse educators. Economic challenges pose barriers to prospective candidates who want to attain nursing knowledge.  Economic depression and regression in monetary aid programs have transformed the study plans of students. Additionally, there are less nursing programs in rural regions regardless of the crucial and increased necessity of these programs in these regions (Fawaz et al, 2018). Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay.


Cowen, P., & Moorhead, S.  (2014). Current issues in Nursing- E- Book.  New York:  Elsevier Health Sciences.

Fawaz, M., Hamdan-Mansour, A., & Tassi, A. (2018). Challenges facing nurse education in the advanced healthcare environment. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 9(1): 105-110.

Hein, E.  (2015).Nursing Issues in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Literature. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Roy, S., & Jones, D.  (2014). Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice: Opportunities and Directions. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Yoost, B., & Crawford, L. (2019). Fundamentals of Nursing E-Book: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice.  New York: Elsevier Health Sciences. Nursing knowledge in the 21st century essay.

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