Nursing Assignment Service

Infectious or chronic disease impacting public health today essay

The final paper will require the student to select an infectious or chronic disease and provide a brief history and overview of this topic and how it is currently impacting public health today.

I will disclose paper topic once a bid is accepted.

Since topics may vary, formatting will as well; however, in the infectious or chronic disease impacting public health today essay, students will need to provide:

  1. Abstract
  2. History of the disease
  3. Symptoms of the disease
  4. The cause of the disease (and how/when the cause was discovered)
  5. Method to spread the disease (if chronic disease, populations most affected in the US)
  6. Methods to contain the disease
  7. Number of people infected or affected today (number of deaths, if applicable); should also use graphs and tables (Use descriptive epidemiology concepts)
  8. Public health costs not individual costs (i.e. local, federal, hospitalizations, nursing, hospice)
  9. Treatments, if any available
  10. Current and future educational efforts needed by public health professionals to reduce spread of disease
  11. Conclusion


Students will be required to complete a double spaced 10 page final paper for this course. The 10 pages should not include the title page and reference page(s).  Charts, graphs, photos, drawings, lists and extended quotes* will not count against the pages of written text required. *Note: It is a rare instance that an extended quote is appropriate and most of the time they are considered non-academic.

There must be a minimum of five (5) different scholarly sources used. References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

3.  Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.

4.  Use 1 inch for the top, bottom, left and right margins.

5. Use proper APA format as given to you in the attached example.

Submission: You must submit your completed paper through this assignment link as it will be subjected to TurnItIn. Save your file in the following format before you submit: Last Name, First Initial Research Paper (i.e. Jones, L Research Paper). Failure to submit the file in the proper format will lead to point deductions.

*PLAGIARISM: Your paper will go through TurnItIn, a plagiarism software.  If you receive a high score in TurnItIn, it is likely that you have committed plagiarism whether intentional or not.   Review this website to insure you do not commit plagiarism:  If you receive a TurnItIn score that is high, I suggest that you revise and resubmit before the due date. Resubmissions are not accepted after the due date. Submissions that do not have a valid TurnItIn score will not be graded.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure a score is received by the due date.

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